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Always dreaming
Yet never sleeping
She was caught up in a fantasy
She created in her head

Growing older
Yet never growing up
He was always playing
The games where he always wins

She got lost
Wandering in the enchanted forest
And found him
She instantly fell in love
Even when he didn’t offer his heart
And only promised
That he’ll teach her to fly

But she was just a player… a pawn
Caught up in his little game
Just like an innocent fly
Trapped in a spider web of lies

In her pretty little head
She can win the battle for his heart
Cause in a world of talking rabbits and caterpillars
She was the fierce warrior who defeated the Jabberwocky

But as he pulled her out of Wonderland
And brought her to Neverland
He let the pirates with hooks on their hands
Rip the heart off her chest
And served it on a silver platter to the crocodiles

She dragged herself back to Wonderland
Leaving a trail of her own blood
Still believing
Still hoping
That he’ll come after her
But he never did
She opened her eyes
Disappointed that she's still alive
Another day filled with pain
Another day of endless shame

She was tired
and wanted this to end
Tonight she'll no longer fight
It will all end tonight

With her head down, as if trying to hide
She faced the crowd for one last time
Whispers started as she walked by
Eyes on her as if she committed a crime

Just as she tried to hide
A stranger came to her side
She braced herself, prepared for an attack
Ready to take a blow, ready to be mocked

But he just smiled
Flashing his crooked white teeth
And called her beautiful
But she didn't believe
For her ears were filled with hatred and mockery

He called her beautiful
Again and again
Until she believes

That night she went to sleep
Her nightmare vanished
Replaced by hopeful dreams

She opened her eyes
Thanking God that she's still alive
It may be another day filled with pain
And endless shame
But she knew her life will never be the same

With her head down, still trying to hide
She faced the crowd for one more time
Whispers still started as she walked by
Eyes still on her as if she committed a crime

And then suddenly, the stranger came
As if to protect her from all the shame
He called her beautiful
Again and again
Until it's all she hears

He called her beautiful
Making her forget
Years of torment
Years of living hell

He called her beautiful
And she believed.
There once was a girl who’s too afraid to trust
Created her own prison
Locked all the doors so she couldn’t get out
She sat on the corner
Hid in the shadows
Together with the monster
She has become

There once was a girl who’s too afraid to trust
Found by a wanderer
Who saw her on the tiny crack on the wall
“Open the door and let me in,” he said
“I’m just a boy, what harm could you get?”
She stayed in the dark
Too scared to respond
Too afraid to open her heart

There once was a girl who’s too afraid to trust
Still terrified to open the door
But the boy had enough charm
To tear the walls down
He entered her life as if it was a walk in the park
Pulled her out of the shadows
And held her in his arms

There once was a girl who’s too afraid to trust
But wore her heart on her sleeve
For the boy oozing with charm
Was able to earn her trust with just a smile
“Beautiful,” he called her
Reminding her of her worth
Promising the repeat it again and again until he could no longer speak

There once was a girl who’s too afraid to trust
Who trusted a boy who made a promise
Trusted a boy who made a promise
A boy who made a promise
A promise
To call her beautiful
Until he could no longer speak

There once was a girl who’s too afraid to trust
Who believed in a boy who called her beautiful
He didn’t lose his voice
Only lost his sight
To the girl he once promised to
Love for the rest of his life

There once was a girl who’s too afraid to trust
Who no longer believed that she could be loved by another
For he didn’t just break his promise
But also break her heart
When he found another
Girl to call beautiful

There once was a girl who’s too afraid to trust
Created her own prison
Locked all the doors so she couldn’t get out
She sat on the corner
Hid in the shadows
Together with the monster
She has become
Music I heard with you was more than music,
And bread I broke with you was more than bread;
Now that I am without you, all is desolate;
All that was once so beautiful is dead.

Your hands once touched this table and this silver,
And I have seen your fingers hold this glass.
These things do not remember you, beloved,--
And yet your touch upon them will not pass.

For it was in my heart you moved among them,
And blessed them with your hands and with your eyes;
And in my heart they will remember always,--
They knew you once, O beautiful and wise.
 Nov 2014 Brennan Terre
i want
 Nov 2014 Brennan Terre
I want to softly whisper
incomplete poems
on your collar bones
that don't rhyme with anything
but your heavy breathing.

I want to bury my face
in the curves of your neck
because you smell like the winter clouds
and I've been gazing at the sky
since you left.
 Nov 2014 Brennan Terre
Your being is the endless sea,
And I a lone sailor;
In the lapping waves, in the stillness
Of the silver waters under the moonlight,
I ride on the tides.
I sail across you endlessly.

Your life is a celebration,
And I an unknown celebrant;
In the music of your voice,
In the lights of your eyes,
In the sway of your hair,
I am the dancing leaves in the
Winds of life.
I leap like vapors into the clouds
And fall back as rain.
Your steps are the changing seasons of my living.
when a boy finds a girl pretty
his mass of love gains velocity
and in that moment(um) of trance
he sees a chance for romance!

when a girl finds a boy attractive
though she first plays a little evasive
can’t hide for long her cheeks’ blush
in the growing velocity of her love’s mass!
consider                              your existence


if you have              won  one

 Nov 2014 Brennan Terre
Give me a minute
To read the stars
Lamenting in their stories
Their laboured twinkling far and sparse

Give me this moment
To stumble and swoon
My branches reaching for
The faraway moon

Give me a while
To be one with the universe
Hear the colliding planets
As they spill their mournful verse

Give me some time
To plot my rightful place
Within my uncharted galaxy
And collapsing space...
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