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 Aug 2017 mk
Maria Etre
 Aug 2017 mk
Maria Etre
When your
heart beats
in a series of code
that your mind
has yet to
praise your gods
for you're
Saudade: Saudade (European Portuguese: is a deep emotional state of nostalgic  longing for something  absent or someone that one loves.
 Aug 2017 mk
 Aug 2017 mk
Called a cab
It had to be Yellow
Checkered at least
A rumble seat

Old school,
an Uber
just wouldn't do.

The cabbie asked me
What's your destination?

Take me to the end of time,
I don't think it's on your GPS
Do you know the ride?

He hit the meter
never replied

Looking out the window
Saw it all fly by

When we arrived
I was surprised

No charge, he said
for this ride.
 Aug 2017 mk
Noah A
Why do I have to suffer...!

In this

Why do I have to be punished...!

Sent away...

To a place
Beyond reality...

This is horrible...!

What a cruel world...!

But what I did...

Was unforgivable

And yet...

What if I made it up somehow

What if I showed this world...!

I am strong!

I am not bad!

I am...
Not unforgivable...

But I am unforgivable

It's done

I have no place in this cruel world...

**** ME
**** ME NOW!

I don't want to die...

I want to go back

Back to when...

I wasn't
One of my darkest poems...
 Aug 2017 mk
"You're crazy baby"
He held my face in his hands
He kissed me and said
"You're not going anywhere"
He kissed me like he needed me
And he ****** me like it was the last time-
Every time

"You're crazy baby"
He loved me through his wickedness
Through his lies, through his cheating nights
"You're not going anywhere"
He loved me in the only way he understood
We loved and lied like Kennedy and Marilyn

"You're crazy baby"
He would yell, as he moved like fire through the house
Destroyed my sense of security and my sanity
His favorite wall paper was his fist through the sheet rock
"You're not going anywhere"
He was a **** fool
"You're crazy baby"
I finally yelled back
He ruined what could have been a masterpiece
And it will be his worst regret
"You're not going anywhere"
I finally realized
He will forever be trapped in this hole

And I was **** right.. he never did make it anywhere
 Aug 2017 mk
One more memory
 Aug 2017 mk
From all of this
From all of that
I want nothing from you
But just one more memory

One that I can hang on to
One that I can live off
One that I can cry about

One that helps me wait for you
One that helps me love you
One that helps me miss you

One where we talk
One where we share food
One where we just love

And that's it

Something that I can hang on to
For the rest of my life

And if you can't give me that
Then something I can hang on to
For the next 4 years

And if you can't give me that
Then something I can hang on to
For the next few month

But give me something
To hang on to
To miss you off of
To love you off of
To hope of us off
To survive

Because without you
I can merely be alive
And I'd rather just survive
I know you are ******* dying too
I know you're missing and crying too
 Aug 2017 mk
Nishu Mathur
 Aug 2017 mk
Nishu Mathur
Sometimes - the universe comes to the rescue
On a down and out day.
Even when the world seems upside down
The sun shines from somewhere brightening the skies of the mind
The sun rays beam through the radio in much loved songs that play one after the other
Or a little surprise that draws a smile
A considerate gesture that gives wings
Signs they seem to be -
Coaxing us to look up
Lifelines of hope
And one holds on to them
With utmost gratitude.
 Aug 2017 mk
galaxy of myths
He still loves you. Even when you broke his heart by rejecting him many times. I know you didn't expect him to fall this hard for you. I know you felt like you led him on simply because you were confused at a certain time; you felt comfortable that someone cares this much for you, you almost thought you liked him back. However, you realised you didn't feel the same way for reasons you know (or don't) but there's a gut feeling that tells you, you two are not meant to be. And so, with a heavy heart, you rejected him again and again. Softly at first, then harder next. Because he needs to know the truth: you're just not that compatible.

Then you meet someone else. You feel it, don't you? This time it's real. But he's still pining for you. I know you feel the guilt slowly suffocating you when you watch his crestfallen face when he catches you looking at your partner adoringly. I know you feel bad but he'll find someone else. You can't force yourself to like him back, no matter how sweet he is to you. It's a messy, confusing and painful experience but it's inevitable. You just need to give some space for both of you to untangle the knots. Give him time to heal. Eventually both of you will find your own happiness, and you know it isn't from each other. Someday the love he gave you will come back to him in waves and he'll be thankful you rejected him. But for now, it isn't anyone's fault.

Unrequited love is a painful thing to go through, on both sides. It takes a lot of time and will to get through it, but you'll get by
 Aug 2017 mk
My Love
 Aug 2017 mk
They say to love
you must first love yourself
for without that you
have no foundation to build.

Which is to say my love is sacrilegious
for the hollow within me
has always remained hollow
but I have not stopped loving.

I have loved the misty rivers
on the cool mornings before the sun.
I have loved the turning of pages
and things laying upon them.

And for what is worth I loved her
even if it was only for a moment,
even if it was a mistake,
don’t you dare call it phantom.

My love is a blanket even if
I have not yet learned
how to fold myself in it
It is still real.

I still bathe it in the river
I still call it mine even though
I do not consume its fruits,
its flesh is not plastic.

One day I may fill what is mine to fill,
but til then I will not stop
with what you call “unholy loving”
because it is all I know how to do.
 Aug 2017 mk
 Aug 2017 mk
The stars don't know that they're shining and they don't like how we stare at their bodies and it makes me wonder if we're any different and maybe the sky is a mirror reflecting us all and we're flipping a coin with night and day, and the stars will all fall when we destroy ourselves tomorrow.
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