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I want to break into your liquor cabinet
And write my name on the bottoms of all the bottles
So you can be reminded
Of why you're drinking in the first place.
  Sep 2014 Blackheat deShanti
My worst enemy and tireless companion
finally came to my door last night.

As I slept away the time of day
And killed my poor friend Time
He traveled closer to my home.

As I slowly cowered in the face of fear
And realized my mistake too late
As I chose to make a silly choice
He quietly opened the door.

Shame came in but didn't stop
And with every tear that welled up inside
He crawled in hot into my cheeks.

As the salty drops burned away my skin
He then moved on down to my throat
And choked me up till air was gone.

I gagged and shook, begging him to go
Openly admitting my sin
But Shame knew he could do more
And as I watched my world crumble
He eagerly attacked my heart.

As he dripped down to the hearth
He triumphed with his final mutation.
The pain of Shame is nothing
Next to that of his brother Humiliation.

There, in the privacy of my soul
He slaughtered my Pride with a blunted blade
As Sloth cowered in the corner.
When the room was red he finally paused
With a smile on his face at the lesson he left.

As he exited Responsibility came in instead
And from the door watched with sad eyes
Waiting for me to rise and finally apologise.
- In apologies to everyone I let down.
Elegant darkness
strokes my worn soul
fleeting, soft sash trailing,
I sit with her, and she with me
The prompts keep coming! :)
the familiar old knot,
the familiar old sweep,
nostalgia and nerves
always cuts so deep
Pride's grin starts endless friendships,
with Bitterness, Jealousy and Envy...
When he grins, and waves, avert his green eyes!
Inspired by a prompt I got on Twitter. @Blackheat22
dormant memories.
the cool brook,
gurgles on and on-
memoirs of an age
to always be.
I fight silent battles,
I struggle everyday.
Victory, I know-
Is surely on the way!
We all fight silent battles. It's hard to press on when you are facing all sorts of crises. Victory is certain, it just takes time.
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