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Your name,
like the sweet, stinging aroma
of a half-burnt cigarette,
always seems to

the backs of my brain

A reminder of
                           blissful temptation.

- k.m.
The war between my heart
and my head
is one too great
for my ink-stained hand.

i fall in love with people all the time
a laugh here
a pleasant face there
the innocence of a moment caught in a glance
a moment and a half of eye contact and i fall in love with people
all the time
i see their curiosity as they wonder
why i see them
why i take the time to see them
the energy
and its because loving is my lifeblood
and it pulses within me
its the loving that sustains me
that wakes me up and gives me restful sleep
that moves my bare feet across the earth and
runs my eyes deep into the forests we wander together
because it's the loving that constitutes my bones
that holds me up that gives me form
its the loving that moves the muscles that tug upward at the corners of my mouth
its the loving that blows bubbles in my lungs that escape as laughter
its the loving that brings tears when they are raw and needed too

i fall in love with people all the time
he pinned me up
against the wall
and kissed me

i asked “why the wall?”

he smirked and said
“because art belongs
on walls”
based off a book I read
 Sep 2017 BandedEarth
I tend to love
broken things.
And sometimes, I get broken
by the things I love.
 Sep 2017 BandedEarth
Megan Grace
i think i am spread across
c o n s t e l l a t i o n s
my heart on too many suns
to keep track now.
if home is where
your heart is then my home
is in missouri

so we keep begging the sky
to give us one day together,
tie bedsheets in a line headed
west and east like we're
going to stretch across the
atlantic one of these days.
i swear some mornings
when it's quiet i can hear
a buzzing inside my chest
and i've known for a while
it was you. but how do
i whisper that across a
static line, to your face as
small as the screen on my
phone? we deserve much
better moments than
we've been allowed.
this has been in my drafts since march and i still don't think it'll ever be finished.

if you're reading this, i miss you.
"Do what makes you happy"
But I'm happy making others happy...
Even at my own expense
 Sep 2017 BandedEarth
 Sep 2017 BandedEarth
Take me back to last summer
To 4am laying on a damp blanket
Under a dark sky sprinkled with stars,
The quiet envelope of night,
Next to a warm breathing body,
An entity of love

To slowly closing eyes and then
To open them and find that
streak of light sprint across the night canvas
Your hand squeezes mine as you say
“Did you see that?!”
“Yes,” I say but the stars are only beautiful
Because they are here with you

And now we are back in your car
The heat is turned on high and
I am wrapped in your blanket
Falling asleep in your passenger seat
I thought for sure I’d kiss your lips tonight
But our relationship is still young,
and we are both so shy
So I let you kiss my cheek - that is enough

You look so beautiful
even now
At five in the morning  
with tired eyes, a sleepy smile
And a drowsy sway
Simply amazing
Just like the night sky.
 May 2017 BandedEarth
 May 2017 BandedEarth
don't worry about my thighs
just kiss my lips
and hold my hips
and tell me it'll be ok
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