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 May 2020 Becca P
such random
 May 2020 Becca P
flowers, feelings
lies and heathens
chimes of bells and the uproar it quells

ribbons, dresses
hair and tresses
dainty feet and their graceful beat

darkness, fears
insomnia and tears
the thoughts I have and my sanity it halves
You've given me tons of reasons to leave,
But I still stay
Because those reasons weren't enough
To keep me away
 Jun 2017 Becca P
 Jun 2017 Becca P
He contaminated me
I was ever so indulged in his essences
but he was like a leaf in the wind
or a dream in the night
but with gallant might
this sight for sore eyes
he stole me away and quieted my cries
a cry of distaste
a cry of doubt
but either way
he figured me out
he wasn't toxic nor brutal
this contamination...
the one the indulged me in his essences
it was light
and subtle
and quite beautiful.
i just realized i used a line from a song by cage the elephant "leaf in the wind" i knew it sounded familiar. i'll still keep the poem up because i like it. i just want you all to know i wont claim that one line as my original work. if anyone is bothered by it i can take it out.
 Jun 2017 Becca P
 Jun 2017 Becca P
"I love you,"

I said.

He replied,

"Good night."

That night

I knew

what love was for me

was a dream to him
 Jun 2017 Becca P
lately, we fight, and i am not good at it
you make me feel guilty, for the person i am
lately, i make you mad, my talking, breathing, being.
do you love me or i am only here to take your blame...

For the past few years, what have we been doing?
i wanted to cure your broken trust,childhood and pain,
some things are very hard to negotiate from where we stand,
this silence and not talking our problems out, makes me  go insane.

Are we falling apart or are we going in flames?
i cannot bare another harsh word from your lips,
i have known the dark you, for the past seven years,
and you have never been harsh and unloving like this.
 Jun 2017 Becca P
Gerard M
I heard him say that she was the most beautiful
woman in the world
I looked at her and knew that she wasn't.
I heard him say it again and again
-day in,
day out-
and I still could not understand

until I met the most beautiful woman in the world.
 Jun 2017 Becca P
 Jun 2017 Becca P
To kiss is to feel
To kiss is to fuse
To kiss is to forget
To kiss is to live
To kiss is to seek

To kiss is to LOVE

Feel her violent lips crash into mine like the waves that pound into the shore

Fuse together by embracing with purpose to never let go

Forget the then and the that

Live in this moment of epiphany and revelation of love and fulfillment

Seek for the truth in her heart through her deceptive lips

Love with every part of me which just could not belong anywhere or with anyone but *YOU
Oh....This is how lost love feels
 Jun 2017 Becca P
i wonder
 Jun 2017 Becca P
if people knew how much they meant to someone, would they have stayed?
maybe if you knew, then you would have stayed
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