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 Feb 2015 Avery Guenther
The sky looks like cotton candy
Pink and blue are its pastel hues
"When do I ever tire of you?"
Is what came out of your liquor lips
That smelled of cherry gum drops and old wine

Something only old money can buy
You treated me like a queen and
"Now what are we?"
Is what comes out of your liquor lips
That smells of smoke and gunpowder
"Even I don't know." I retort
But let's live life like I'm not your last resort
I'm on a sugar high but I'm afraid of crashing
If one were to ask
If we were to be
Maybe Shakespeare would shake his head
Or nod calmly as if nothing mattered
Because, it's often quoted
But that doesn't make it true.
Even Will himself
Can't give us an answer
But if I were to guess,
We wouldn't have to ask that question
In the first place
Because I'd already know
That the answer is yes,
It's to be, and it is fated by the stars
From the start, yes I knew
It doesn't have to be complicated
But I suppose if you'd like
We can give it some deeper meaning
Even if it doesn't need one
Because all I know
Is that you're the one,
And it's definitely to be.
Not even sure. But this is quite interesting.
 Feb 2015 Avery Guenther
The dream passes,
kids and images of love lost,
the hope and potential lost.
giving yourself away,
the manipulation and control,
your self inflicted participation,
to wake up and have enough.
decided to be you,
perfect you,
ridiculed but free.
Free to be you.
Free to dream your dream.
I am hollow and afraid
I wonder - do they see my pain?
I hear echoes of the rain
      the downpour inside my brain
I see the drops falling down
I want to stop them, but
I am hollow and afraid

I pretend I am fine, but
I feel very far from fine
I run my fingers through my hair
I fear judgement, everywhere
I cry inside, but only there, for
I am hollow and afraid

I know they say "life is a wonder"
I say life is a four-letter word
I dream of death, desolation, disaster
I just want it all to end, because
I am so hollow and so afraid
This is not my poem,
I know this girl named Jill and she is cute, she is awesome
and she understands, but she had to write a poem for school.
If there is one thing that I do not like about schools is they
force you to write, she clearly poured her soul out in this one.
I love it! It is scary good! What do you think?

— The End —