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People say ,"You scared the hell out of me".
I think, There is a Hell inside of all of us.
Either we want to get out
Or we haven't got in yet.
Hell inside of us are the voices that tell us negative thoughts.
That are screaming at us to do things.
Are the disturbing thoughts that float around our mind.
We have Hell Inside Of Us.
Copyright © 2015 Camron Elliott
Life is screaming out at you to end your life.
But don’t do it.
Be that rebel and rebel and live.
Life ***** you away when you are down.
Destroy your feelings.
Don’t let them take your feelings from you.
Be yourself and do whatever you want.
Destroy others by not acknowledging them.
© 2015 Camron Elliott
I wake up in the morning, my door still locked from the night before
Where I hid myself from the world.
Standing at the bus stop, hoping no one notices the cuts on my wrists or my red, blood shot eyes.
Roaming the halls I generally tried to avoid them, but they always seem to find me, again, and again.
Lunch is the same as always, I'm sitting alone, hoping someone notices me...all I need is a friend.
The bus ride home is full of more taunting...all because I love someone of the same gender...
I finally get home, I do my normal routine, go upstairs to my room, lock the door, and get out my razor.
I'll spend about an hour or so, making the same motions over and over again, thinking...I can't change who I am...
My mom comes home and says that she is starting dinner, I tell her okay, it'll be about an hour.
After dinner I read the texts that the others from school sent me...all the same...mean...discrimination against me...
I'm in my closet...with the chair...and the rope I took from the garage...I'm crying at the note I just left at my door...I go and I knock the chair from under my.
This is a poem that involves a countdown. It is also partially based off of the song Make It Stop (September's Children) by Rise Against.
After letting go I have found,
It is the fear of falling,
That hurts more than
the ground.
His arm was a dot-to-dot
of needle marks and scars
you join them up together,
*'existence broke my heart'
i am the colors of the sea.

bright Cyan,
Sunny and see through,
No secrets or scars.
Six feet under,
But can still see,
The stars.

Coral reef Pink,  
full of life and of Heart.
The color of kindness,
where all beautiful things start.

Sea foam green,
Bubbling anger,
Act without thought.
Falling from heaven,
my emotions,
in knots.

Midnight blue,
Thoughtful and quiet,
Daylight fleeting behind us.
a sky sprinkled with,
star dust.

A cascading rainbow of emotions and color.
All the  shades of me, complimenting one another.
with open *fists.

like *maybe,

you're open,
to *stop,
ten words, that have always been a thought in my head. Its definitely a start to another poem, may not be the exact start, but similar.
and you,
with open fists.
instead of,
closed palms.

and I thought that,
somewhere inside us,
we held love,

but it had gotten misused,
by you,
and love crumbled.

and hope,
for you to stop,
led you to close,

open palms,
into closed ones,
and mutate bruises,
on flesh.

and threw away all hope,
like the key,
to love,
a poem written in ten word  sentences about **** and abuse.
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