You want to see him
Now? The receptionist
Asked. Yes, this minute,
You replied. What’s it
About? None of your
Concern. I think I need
To know before I can
Interrupt him. You need
To know jackshit. There
Was a staring of eyes.
Hesitation. A looking
Down at the phone, a
Scratching of forehead
Dislodging flakes of dry
Skin. Is it that important?
Maybe you could give
Me some idea what you
Need to see him about?
***, you mutter. ***?
Yes, he came around
To my place last night
And after a real good
Session lasting until
The small hours he up
And left without so
Much as a goodbye kiss
Or whispered word. That
Right? Yes, you said. I’ll
Get him right away, I
Wanted to know where
The heck my husband
Was last night and now
I know. Are you sure
Want to see him now?
(2010 POEM)