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Apr 2018 · 253
Asha Hassan Apr 2018
My heart is crying out
In a language
I am too afraid to admit
I understand
We are often our own oppressors.
Mar 2018 · 236
Secret Admirer
Asha Hassan Mar 2018
Dear Mr Not Meant To Be
Whose blue stare is too intense
(Who gives a stranger poetry?
I've clearly lost all sense!)


I'm far to scared to talk to you
But wanted this off my chest
And though I see myself as brave
You've not caught me at my best

You! Mr Not Meant To Be
(maybe cause you're too pretty)
Are unable to even see me
And that makes me feel ...

Ok! Cause I know I'm great
A truly awesome rarity
That has too much on her plate
For pretty eyes that cannot see

So, though it ***** to be me
I bet it ***** to be you
But I'll see you around
From, Miss You Don't Know Who

(It's best to leave me anon
I'm sure I'm really not your "type"
If you feel the need to find me
Dude, do not believe the hype)
I didn't have the courage to give it to him in the end, so you guys can read it
Feb 2018 · 246
The Universe
Asha Hassan Feb 2018
The universe caught sight of us
It watched our hearts intertwine
It listened to my prayers
That you would someday be mine

It saw your eyes glisten
When in mine, they found hope
Yes, it watched and saw and listened
And responded, simply, "Nope!"
Feb 2018 · 583
Forever Striving
Asha Hassan Feb 2018
My dreams are like the stars in the sky
Seeming too far for me to just take
But to watch opportunity walk idly by
Is to accept a future mistake

Challenges are constantly thrown at me
But I take them in my stride
I still may not know what I want to be
But I refuse to let life decide

I work for the things I want and need
And luck may not always be on my side
But looking at my efforts, I know I've achieved
Because I'm happy enough that I tried

I am the master of my fate
I am the captain of my soul
The reason to why my destiny's great
Is because it's under my control
Written when I was 15 and inspired by the poem Invictus
Feb 2018 · 406
Confused Confessions
Asha Hassan Feb 2018
I'm trying to decide
How I feel about you
Would it damage your pride
If you gave me a clue

I feel I'm being lost
And can't stay at your pace
Love and hate have a cost
I'm not willing to face
Feb 2018 · 294
Asha Hassan Feb 2018
As reward for my patient years
Of sorrow, laughter, joy and tears
Life's handed me (to my surprise)
A "me" I cannot recognise

Her hands are bigger to catch pain
That weighs her down like heavy rain
Her eyes brighter, so she can see
The world I found a mystery

Her heart's stronger than ever mine
So she will handle life just fine
But there's so much she doesn't know
And so much more she needs to grow

So, when I think of years of yet
I remind her to not forget
That though she stands a better chance
One day she'll need a stronger stance
I wrote this when I was 16 because I always saw the ways in which I could continue to improve although I appreciated my growth.

— The End —