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 Dec 2018 Emma Rose
Jon rasnick
This life I live is just a lie.
Who I am is not for your eyes.
I know I’m lost I know I’ll die.
If people find out what’s not for their eyes.
The people I love all know this is true.
I act all cool, or I act all shy,
But if you really know me
You know it’s a mask,
And that’s how I hide so do not ask.
I will never tell.
Just get close and listen to my lie of a life
By Jon rasnick
 Dec 2018 Emma Rose
Shofi Ahmed
When the sun
is a sleeping beauty at night
shining on the Moon!
The night is wake
is a stunner far cuter.
It knows no cold foot
is on the move.

The full wax of the starry
sky keeps awake.
But none could chart a line
exposing a beautiful
night in the veil, no one
says a single word.

The first one perhaps that
dared to open the mouth
only to be speechless
to be lost for word!

Not a night or two ago but
since the dawning of the time!
 Dec 2018 Emma Rose
Wk kortas
He has taken rake and shovel in hand,
Taking advantage of the light,
Rare in these climes this time of year,
Still welcomed, though rendered severe
By the sun's reluctant trudge above the horizon,
The type which, sauntering through a window pane
(Falling upon a crucifix anchored above a cradle
Or some ancient, gilded frame
Containing a photo of some grandparent's wedding day,
Exploding into full undifferentiated diffusion)
May possess a dram of warmth, albeit resigned, nostalgic
A bittersweet reminder of what has gone by
(And in the shade, the air is filled
With the portentous chill of what lies a few months hence)
But there nonetheless as he tends to those final farewells
From the trees bowing to December's inevitability,
The droppings not the *******-esque bursts of October
(Those having been collected and consigned
To the normal corner of the back lot)
But dreary brown-hued things, not welcomed by eye nor heart,
Simply corralled perfunctorily and dismissed.
One could contend that such activity is unnecessary,
The mere vanity of all endeavor,
As the snow will come soon, and steady as well,
Performing the seasonal, cyclical function in its own time,
But he soldiers on nonetheless, a unseen one-act nearly-farce,
Painstakingly raking and bending and scraping
To leave his patch of green uncovered for a little while
Until the locking time comes to seal the earth's secrets once more,
To be revealed to those
Who shall receive the teasing ministrations
Of the fickle, fitful March equinox.
 Dec 2018 Emma Rose
Shofi Ahmed
Dancing the billow in the sea
the cool one will show up
in no time with love.
Deep down from the deep
with the flute on the lips.

Listen to the flute!
The chorus clouds bang out
floating by the river blue,
singing down the sky as they move.

Popping out of the secret valley
the sun branches in
ambling with the wonder light
as if the punter sun knew it,
knows the flutist's arty
rise from down the sea!

Every planet is a flying bee
twirling around the inner music
nothing ever stops in the solar disc.

The waning and waxing Moon
in silhouette and in the half-light
swings over the sea full of life.

It all starts from the ground;
it was from our sea waterfront
Him the creative sweetheart in the midst
floated the leading light the bumblebee.
All the stars bubble in the galaxy
they know this ancient story!

Since then the brightest bulb
the sun in the solar ring  
leads the bunch’s mindful
butterfly dance on the way home.
Following the enduring haunting melody
of the pre-design command ‘Qun’ be!
A poem from my upcoming book Qun: Love is Unconditional
 Dec 2018 Emma Rose
Eleanor Rigby
Your smile is a million suns
The galaxy never knows night
When you're happy.

-- Eleanor
 Dec 2018 Emma Rose
Shofi Ahmed
My sea is far away
let's meet somewhere closer
under the same cloud.

My blue water is for the sun.
I sing beneath the waves.

My rose is for the show
I am imbued in the fragrance.
Love is in the air
the scent wafts into my heart.

My sky is open wide,
beyond the rainbow on the high,
beyond the peacock's eyes.
It embraces the earth,
reaching far and wide.

As the wind blows along the way,
flying beneath the endless blue,
a mesmerising sight from the bird's-eye,
a butterfly slips out and begins to sway!
A poem from my upcoming book Qun: Love is Unconditional
 Dec 2018 Emma Rose
Emeka Mokeme
I hate to
watch you
irrationally misbehave
like you are
just doing right now.
Just keep wondering
how you will
end up if
you continue
like this,
you can't stand
all alone.
I keep wondering
how strong you
can withstand
against the odds
and pressures
all around you
without breaking down.
I love you
so very much
and it breaks
my heart to
see what you
are doing right
now to yourself.
I still care about
you despite
your hates and
unfounded fears.
You said I'm
clueless and you
don't want to
inherit my ignorance,
I sat down
right here thinking
just the same
thing about you.
You can't never
imagine ever
what is about
to befall you.
You really have
no idea what
you are
contending with.
I worry about
your stubbornness
to change.
I still worry
about you because,
when the eyes cry,
the nose runs.
My attitude will
always be based
on how you
treat me.
Wake up now
while others
are still in bed
to redeem yourself.
©2018,Emeka Mokeme. All Rights Reserved.
 Dec 2018 Emma Rose
Emeka Mokeme
With all this
love alive in me,
this love that
blossom and
bubbling within
my heart.
Is it really
what it is,
is it really love.
How can I
feel all this
and not met
or seen anyone
as crazy as me
to share it with,
or isn't someone
out here also
looking and wondering.
Is love dead
or just elusive.
Why is it
so painful.
Is it me
that's the fool
or am i
from a different
sphere and planet.
How can you
not find it
or feel it
in your soul.
Am I really
walking in the dark.
I cry in the
rain and the
darkness so you
must not see me.
The dark consume me
for I am so lost.
Is this love
thing real or
am i living an illusion.
Who can ever
save this lost
soul from the
Right now i
really need proof
for my heart hurts.
Come and save
this soul from
this illusion.
It *****.
©2018,Emeka Mokeme. All Rights Reserved.
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