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 Dec 2014 Anthony Sarch
I always believed that the only way to find myself
was to push everyone away

Part of me wants to be alone
depending on myself, no one else
that way no one could hurt me

Part of me wants to fall so deeply in love
with my eyes closed, no fears, no doubts

I've come to realize that I'd rather feel real, true love
& all the pain that comes with it
than be alone, isolated
within my walls

because feeling pain is better than feeling nothing at all.
Heart // Mind
When we first began talking
I never thought we'd make it this far
Never thought it would last

I never dreamed we would be this happy
I've never really loved
Only liked and used and hoped

But now that we're together
And we haven't crashed and burned
I think I want to be with you
She's the personification of indecision,
and I'm all of her inner wars and frissons.

She's an anarchist, she's queen anti-christ,
and I'm a sacrifice.

She wonders at my unrevealed nostalgia,
I wonder if a frozen heart can thaw.
These past few days and nights you have been the only thing on my mind. I can't help but sit and wonder if your laughing when I am, and if you're smiling when I am (Also if your worrying when I am) . I miss your voice, and your smile.

And your eyes...

I would give anything to spend a whole day with you, just you and me. It's only been a day since I've looked into the eyes of my soul mate, but in my heart it feels as though its been so unbearably long. I sit and think of all the reasons why I love you and all my favorite memories with you and I get so happy. I am so glad to know I am not alone...
This is the first time someone has been willing to stand with me through tough times, and honestly just your support is so much help. Thank you, I love you and I appreciate everything you do, have done, and are willing to do for me. You are truly amazing and truly special; You are my favorite person on earth, and you are my best friend.

Me <3
 Dec 2014 Anthony Sarch
Here she lies still
Breaking the box spring
Twisting words around
Her father's wedding ring

"Dying," she whispers
Her hand on her chest
Prepares for the evening
Of eternal unrest

There's a creak from the closet
There's a crash from outside
A boneyard war being waged
A corpse trying to hide

"It's never enough,"
That's what we'll assume
The dead go on living
And their dreams are exhumed

Bust through the coffin lid
Break your own heart
The dead and the dying
Are only six feet apart
Love everything, and everyone. Thank the grass for being a soft place to fall, and those who own the arms of your safe place to crash.
Love the girl who taunts you, love the boy who tries too hard.
Love the woman who screams that you will never make it, love the man who stares a little too long.
Do not waste too much time on loving yourself, for when you exude love you will receive it.
You must love those who do not deserve it, and all the while you will receive love you do not deserve.
For love is not a feeling, but an action.
For love is not restraining, but freeing.

2. When you start to notice your reflection, remember that it does not matter. A soul needs a home, and your home is a fine home. Your body keeps your soul safe, and warm, and fed. So worry more about what you put into your mind than your mouth, and never forget that your soul cares not of the shape of it’s home.

3. When you see someone who is in need of help, they become your obligation. The only true way to understand a person is to love them, and the best way to love a person is to serve them. There is no man or woman who was born undeserved of love, and you ought to give more than you think your heart will allow.

4. When lost, know that you do not have one sole purpose. You have many facets, and many talents. Each day you may have a different purpose, and each day it may not be a grand one, but each day it is an important one. Be open to things you did not think of yourself capable, and know that nobody cares about your embarrassments more than yourself.

5. Every day of your life you will make mistakes, and if you think that you have to right to belittle others because of theirs then honey, I am here to tell you that you are wrong. Unfair judgment hinders understanding, which hinders the most important thing of all: love.  

6. Forgive all, but do not trust all. Love all, but do not pleasure all. You are to lose yourself, to emerge yourself in the work and service of others. You are to overwhelm yourself with love and kindness, so much that it spills over. You are to give more than you have, and to take less than you need.

7. Do not worry about being happy. The search for happiness is never ending, and a path that has no destination. Lose yourself, and happiness will find you. Look for happiness, and you will lose it all.
It was a lover and his lass,
  With a hey, and a **, and a hey nonino,
That o’er the green corn-field did pass,
  In the spring time, the only pretty ring time,
When birds do sing, hey ding a ding, ding;
Sweet lovers love the spring.

Between the acres of the rye,
  With a hey, and a **, and a hey nonino,
These pretty country folks would lie,
  In the spring time, the only pretty ring time,
When birds do sing, hey ding a ding, ding;
Sweet lovers love the spring.

This carol they began that hour,
  With a hey, and a **, and a hey nonino,
How that life was but a flower
  In the spring time, the only pretty ring time,
When birds do sing, hey ding a ding, ding;
Sweet lovers love the spring.

And, therefore, take the present time
  With a hey, and a **, and a hey nonino,
For love is crownèd with the prime
In the spring time, the only pretty ring time,
When birds do sing, hey ding a ding, ding;
Sweet lovers love the spring.
 Dec 2014 Anthony Sarch
A meandering mist
leaks from your
barely parted lips.
I am in awe
at the slow motion
If only my open mouth
could catch it,
perhaps it wouldn't haunt me so...
 Dec 2014 Anthony Sarch
Intangible like the scent of mist
                                           that was him
Delightful like a thoughtful gift
                                          that was him
Pure as the first tears of a child
                                           that was him
Provoking like revenge fantasies
                                           that was him
Sudden like catastrophies
                                          that was him
Enlightened like the city lights
                                           that was him
Honest like a father's vows
                                          that was him
Vivid like the colored crows
                                          that was him
Distinguished like the sun among all stars
                                         that was him
Detailed like the winter's sky
                                           that was him
The only man that made me cry
                                           that was him
I guess that was him.
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