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 Nov 2016 Andiegirl
Ravanna Dee
When you sit and stare at people,
As they go throughout their daily tasks,
Do you ever happen to wonder,
If the expression their wearing is a mask?
As they walk right on past you,
A smile drawn across their face,
Do you ever think that maybe,
In this world they actually feel out of place?
And when a mother catchers her child being reckless,
You watch as she speaks to him with fury,
Do you mentally chide her instantly, or wonder that if maybe,
That's her way she handles worry?
When a little girl of six,
Sits alone, watching everyone else,
Do you think that she is sad,
Or maybe that she just prefers to by herself?
So many times, so many cases,
We believe our own interpretation,
That our eyes and ears have sought the truth,
But then we learn, often too late, that they'd gathered misinformation.
Oh, all the countless times we see things,
And deem them to mean something of no such,
You would think the we would eventually learn,
Not to so quickly judge.
Often as humans, we see something and instantly make some conclusion as to what it means. That doesn't make it accurate, though. What we think we know can be completely different as to what it really is. However, I don't think we sometimes realize that. Sometimes we judge too quickly, too harshly, and it can often cause more harm than good.
 Nov 2016 Andiegirl
 Nov 2016 Andiegirl
Teeth bit more than they could chew

Hands grabbed more than they could hold

Shoulders lifted more than they could carry

Words mean more than they could've told

Legs travelled more than they could run

Mind thought more than it could fathom

Body gave more than it could afford

Heart paid more than it could ransom
 Nov 2016 Andiegirl
Dark Jewel
Heart sings a beautiful song.
Whispers in the breeze.
Whistling the tune.

Love is a famous thing,
Sometimes it has to break you.
To help you rebuild.
Something old to new.

To age, to mature.
It forever will beat.
Kicking like a drum in your chest.
You walk with its beat.

Love is a strange thing,*
It's shows its face in oddest places.
Sometimes right infront of you,
Sometimes in the corner spaces.

Though Love isn't for me now,
I see it down the road.
Perhaps a long while,
Perhaps shorter than I knew.

We will see.
Just something I wanted to post since my followers havent seen me for a while. It's on my mind, but down the road. Not for a while.
 Oct 2016 Andiegirl
you are the sun
I am nothing but a dwarf planet
I orbit around you and rely on you for warmth
you give me life
 Oct 2016 Andiegirl
I knew that it was over.
Because when I looked at him I realized,
That I was much more in love with our memories
Than I was with the person standing in front of me.
 Oct 2016 Andiegirl
Whitney Drew
I took an evening stroll with you,
At the harbor we shared a kiss or two,
We watched the sun paint the sky,
I noticed the way the light caught your eye.

I love to sit and gaze at blurs
And think in that moment of what we were
Your fingers had the perfect space
I laid my eyes upon your face

I loved be there by your side
Fending off the butterflies
I held the comfort of our breaths
And you bore your soul, let me feel the depths

But after the harbor, I know we died
I felt like the whole thing was a lie
And God you made me feel alive
But the highs took a swan dive

I took you to my favorite spot
And where we kissed is where I plot
The grave for my heart, and I wonder
why you tore my heart asunder
 Oct 2016 Andiegirl
Arlo Disarray
I have been watching
the shade of the sky
fade slowly
through the reflections
I see in your eyes

The moon's illumination
is recycled
and looped around our minds
wrapping us together
and creating dreams in real life
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