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8.3k · Nov 2014
Panic Attack
Anna Elise Nov 2014
You're going to throw up
leaving. change. panic. fear.
You can't breathe
why. how. don't. please.
You're having a heart attack
alone. forever. helpless. trapped.
You're dying*
can't. stop. please. help.
You´re fine*
2.5k · Nov 2014
Anna Elise Nov 2014
Sunflowers turn their faces towards the sun
following its warm path as it rises and sets
soaking up the comforting rays
in the winter they wither
shriveling in the grey
trembling at the loss of their old friend
the sun.

People can't act like sunflowers
we can't live to soak up sunlight
directing our lives to follow its path
sleeping through the winter
hiding our faces until the return of the warm friendly light
that melts the snow and brightens up the dreary grey

Outside I must direct my life towards the path most productive
working hard so I can have a future
and so my family and my children can have a future
I can't follow the sun with my face
like the sunflowers

But inside I shrivel in the grey of winter
the long cold months that drag on
while the sun hides behind clouds and snow
I too tremble at the loss of warmth
of bright sunny days filled with happiness

Outside I am people
but inside I am a sunflower.
923 · Nov 2014
Debajo del sauce llorón
Anna Elise Nov 2014
Te me dijiste que me amas
debajo del sauce llorón
un día en el verano...

Te me dijiste que me amas
cuando el cielo fue lo más azul
y el viento nos abrazó suavemente...

Te me dijiste que me amas
cuando me visitaste aquel verano
y en un mensaje cuando me dejaste en el fin del verano..

Y no me lo dijiste de nuevo.

pero si lo dijiste a la novia que nunca supe que tuviste.
892 · Oct 2014
Morning Thoughts
Anna Elise Oct 2014
I put my roots in warmth
and what is comfortable
sending them down
thick and deep into the soil
only to be stopped
by the desires of others
uprooting and replanting me
over and over
while my leaves wither
curling in on themselves
for dislike of

— The End —