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Make me your blank canvas.
Cover me with your juices,
your drippings, your burgundy,
place me beside your washed blue,
I will smear it with my kisses
until they become masterpieces
only understood by we two.

Living in a world where is based on what you have then who you are. Where everyone is different in the same way. So who really is unique? Where attraction is based what you give not what you bring. Poetic justice doesn't exist. Burning down a city is not really freedom. But who am I to preach, if I sin every day. Why would God forgive? In a world where everything is for sale even self esteem I'm still having a issue with mine. In a world where everything is for sale but I won't buy. I still believe in being me. Lost touch with the art but I still believe in me. Lost the love for the world but I still dream. Lost the one, she wasn't the Poetress I was looking for. **** this new world.
At 13 I dreamed of a million... at 23 I see money is not everything. But in this new world money is everything and everything has a price.
I have a panic attack.
You tell me to stop acting crazy.
for breath
So I just stop breathing.
I'm not doing this on purpose, you know.
 May 2015 Anna Claxwell
Josh Bass
A panic attack has a way of creeping up on you
At the start of one, you always think to yourself
"No this can't be happening"
Much like the feeling you get before you
Throw Up
The heat comes on so strong and forceful
Your internal fire, dead set on burning you
from the core out
You hadn't noticed because your knees just buckled
and you went numb
The tremors
you feel them in your fingers
To your shoulders
To your tounge
The extra oxygen
Feeds the flames

With the help from a Brittle Lake
I was able to prevent this state

Seven bucks to rent a kayak
I sliced into the lake
I paddled and paddled and paddled
My arms were introduced to a new kind of fire
A blue cleansing flame
Take a break and drift
Feel the warmth of the sun on your face
Paddling again, now it's the breeze and spray
A smile creeped upon my face
At Lake Brittle I was able to keep the panic at bay
 May 2015 Anna Claxwell
 May 2015 Anna Claxwell
her mouth opens
silent scream
her hands clutch her heart
so uselessly
salty tears curl around her cheeks
drip on her tongue
everything sounds like tv static
her lungs are in a panic
I want to go back to the innocent girl I was not the one that knows hurt. Not the girl that knows how the world works.
I've become so disconnected from my days, they feel like dreams
And nothing in this world is ever just quite how it seems
I've gotten so detached from this floating orb
I'm far too self-obsessed and I'm so self-absorbed

I've cried wolf at least one too many times
You don't hear my howls, and you don't want to read my rhymes
I still cry out and call up to the moon
My lungs bleed
and I cough out all your favorite tunes

I've been separated from my pack
And no matter what I do
they just won't take me back

My howls echo only inside my head
As my idiotic words fall flat and dead

Knowing my old pack is hungry, I give up and let them feed
The snow is stained in red as I lie down and out I bleed
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