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AndSoOn Apr 2016
You can just let go
You can let it all go
No one is gonna be mad
We will just be sad

Missing you is gonna be hard
But you're gonna run in heaven's yard
Letting you go is even more
Nobody will resent you, we swore

You are finally hiding your eyes
Even so little, you are so wise
You closed them, and smiled
And we love you, little child
AndSoOn Apr 2016
If I'd a little girl
I would call her Rose
Because it's light
And the world is missing some

I'd tell her to love
And simply be simple
And humble
Because the world needs some

If I had a little girl
I would call her Rose
Tell her to simply be herself
So the world can understand

I'd call her Rose
To flower the beds of our dead,
To bring a simple, kind little thing
In a world missing so much love
The world would be a much nicer place with less stupid rich egoistic people and more simple kind caring loving ones
AndSoOn Mar 2016
Y a des jours où ça n'va pas
Aujourd'hui est un jour comme ça.
On a beau se dire: "Souris".
Il y a des jours qui sont ainsi.

Oui mais non, moi ça ne va pas.
Des jours avec, et des jours comme ça.
Aujourd'hui, je pleure et je ris
Le plus souvent seule dans mon lit.

Y a des jours qui sont comme ça.
Des jours où rien ne va.
Et pour moi c'est aujourd'hui
Et ce sera demain aussi...
it's like a song when the only thing I can do is cry
AndSoOn Mar 2016
As I open my eyes,
My body starts aching.
The fatigue is my prize
For this overdue awaking.

I've overused my body
I gave too much away
To help others be
When I couldn't find a way.

So I lay here still
Because everything hurts
And I have to pay the bill
Now that what's left of me is inert
AndSoOn Feb 2016
You loved me so much
You refused to believe who I really am
And you belittled the true me
To make me at your false image of myself

I loved you so much
I started to believe that art, poetry and me
We were becoming really futile
And I lost myself in the process of pleasing you

You didn't understand
And you did not really try
I was not angry then
But I'm just angry now.

Because when I ended it
You lost yourself in the process of leaving me
And you're trying to get to me,
To the idea of me, yourself thought I was

So understand someting:
I am a true independent self
I am a tortured artist, writer and poet
And I ******* love who I became !
We broke up
He keep thinking I'm lost without him. I keep getting angry at him.
AndSoOn Feb 2016
I feel trapped
In a mind unable to decide
In a body not capable of saying no
In a torrent of unreachable thoughts

I am trapped
In a unwanted life and situation
In a perfect relationship
With a man I admire

It's a trap
Because it went too fast
Because I feel it wasn't a choice
Because I don't know !

And I feel lost
In a world too big and too small
In a place where I meet him everyday
In a room that is supposed to be home
AndSoOn Feb 2016
You're perfect
And I'm not
I don't know why
Or how
But I can live
Without you

I love you
And it is not
But I tried
I tried so bad

And I still can
live without
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