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AndSoOn Apr 2015
Where I am supposed to be safe and sound,
It is where I am everything but fine.

I have a homeless heart, filled with mixed feelings,
And a house full of ungrateful human beings.
They make my house seem dark and twisted
And every time I am home, I feel homeless and tired.
I hope to feel fresh, and loved, and surrounded.
But my heart needs to flee again, to be well.

So I wake up late, and go to sleep early, to flee the darkness
Of my house, my supposed-to-be home, my nightmare.
So I leave early, and come home late, to leave the darkness
Behind me, buried in the warmth of my bed that is no longer safe.
So I love, as much as I may, the moments I share with friends.
So I count my breaths not to panic again, and I hide, hide, hide,
Deep in my mind, the scares, the scars and the dark thoughts
That haunt my soul every single time I spend in my house.

But I can still protect my secrets and myself from the world
In the cocoon, this safe I built ; in my bedroom, my sanctuary.
Still I need to move it far away from here, where I'll be able to be.
Where I'll be safe and sound, and everything but sad.
Then I'll fly like bees, free, and protected by myself.
I'll fly far away where buildings scratch the sky,
Where months ago, I found my home and heart.
AndSoOn Apr 2015
I like those days, when I'm eager to see
The world changing and I following it.
The light is pale, vulnerable and free
And I'm adjusting, trying hard to fit.

I have been through long crisis, and messes.
Even then, the hardest ones were the best
Since I woke up stronger, with no regrets,
Full of weak hopes, and a soul free of cleft.

I like those days, when I'm seeing myself
Healing, recovering from unfairness.
I'm fighting to fit in, against myself,
Prejudices, judgments or sternness.

I will fight until I will fall again.
Because I know for sure life is unfair:
I've been a witness, and I will feel pain
And hope for best in the deepest despair.
AndSoOn Mar 2015
Who said being wrecked doesn't allow one to smile ?
Who said **** like that !?*

Softness is not a weakness ; it is a strength.
Maybe one doesn't notice anymore but this world
is cruel. Softness allows people not to notice that cruelty.
A smile in the early mornings, a gentle touch when you feel down,
A hand after a fall, a hug when loneliness is one's only friend,
Love whenever one needs it. Softness. Courage. Caring.

Softness when one doesn't wait for a payback. When it is from
Pure altruism. Altruism, a rare quality that can quickly be a weakness.
Simply because that strength one must tame, is tiering. The courage to
give everything and not wait for anything back… Softness.
Sadly, to integrate that softness into one's life, it means that,
That one has been wrecked before, that one knows the cruelty of our world to be able to be caring, loving, supportive.

And then comes softness. When one can smile and still be wrecked. When one makes you the priority before oneself. When one can give you a hand after a fall. When one hugs you so tight all the broken pieces come back together. When one loves you no matter what. One's soft.
Softness. Is. Not. A. Weakness. It is pure altruism and pure caring.
It takes courage and bravery. It is a strength hard to handle. And it is rare.
Someone told be that I was weak because I cared too much, because I was too soft. That person told me that the world was going to eat me up. I don't care. My life doesn't matter anymore. The people I love matter and I'll be soft and caring and loving and maybe weak if that can keep them safe. I still don't think I'm weak: I'm just strong enough to notice cruelty and care about it.
AndSoOn Nov 2014
You may be real,
You may be not,
I may be a fool,
I may be a dreamer …

If you're real, I beg you ;
I'm just a girl who's trying to be with you !
If you're not, I'll smile.
I just had the most beautiful dream of my life.

If you're real, I'll tell you,
How bad I am, how lost I am,
How lonely I am.

And I'll try to be honest,
I'll try to be true.
Because, … what do I have left to loose
When I've already lost everything.

I'll smile,  I'll smile at you
Even if you're real, or just a dream.
I'll smile because
*It may be the thing I have left.
AndSoOn Nov 2014
C’était encore un de ces mois incertains, indécis, entre l’hiver et le printemps. Comme s’ils avaient choisi de nous laisser dans ce froid fatiguant , tout en nous permettant de redécouvrir les couleurs de la nature, Mars, et peut-être Avril, étaient mes mois favoris. Par ma fenêtre, je voyais la nuit endormir en douceur le monde extérieur. C’était encore tôt. L’été s’approchait et la nuit se faisait de plus en plus tardive. Quelques fois, j’hésitais : étais-ce un supplice ou un bonheur ?  La nuit était pour moi un cocon où le froid, les cris et les colères n’étaient pas présents. Et soudain, le vent soufflait dans le jardin, forçant le bois de mes murs à résister, comme pour repousser cet air presque violent. Je souris encore en entendant le craquement du bois contre le vent. J’avais ce sentiment de paix. Peut-être était-ce moi qui redécouvrait les petits plaisirs de la vie ou tout simplement le bois qui me montrait son soutien et sa présence par un petit chuchotement comme un signe de vie. Dans ces moments, je m’enterrais dans mes duvets d’hiver que Maman allait bientôt remplacer par d’autres moins chauds. Que je détestais ces duvets si froids, si plats et si peu accueillants. Mais pendant le mois de mars, ou le mois d’avril, je pouvais encore me blottir dans les gros bras de ma couette. La solitude en devenait moins pesante. Il y avait moi, le bois, le vent, mon duvet.

Ce que je préférais c’était les orages. En plus du vent, les murs de ma chambre devaient combattre la pluie et le tonnerre. Ce concert de bruits naturels était un de mes meilleurs somnifères. Ma chambre était sous les toits. Elle l’est encore. Allongée sur mon lit, je me laissais bercer par la fatigue, perdant mon regard de plus en plus lourd dans les lattes du plafond. Le bruit de la pluie résonnait si délicieusement dans le cocon que je m’étais construit. La pluie sonne encore comme autrefois : un bruit de clavier ou de triangle. C’était un bruit exquis, rare et faible. Elle était là la beauté de ce son. Sa faiblesse le rendait indispensable. Les instruments à vent s’ajoutaient avec magie, suivis des percussions tremblantes créées par le tonnerre. Et l’orchestre devenait apaisant. Je pouvais sentir la pluie s’infiltrer entre les tuiles. Je l’entendais glisser comme au ralentit jusqu’à ce qu’une goutte imaginaire tombe sur mon visage.

Je n’arrivais jamais à complètement apprécier ces moments. J’avais tant envie qu’ils durent à jamais que je résistais au sommeil jusqu’à en souffrir. La fatigue avait cette force que la pluie et le vent ne possédaient pas. Elle pouvait me rendre si lourde et si crispée. En m’en souvenant, je la trouve en quelques points perverse. Elle est à la fois celle qui vous endort et celle qui vous maintient éveillé. Je ne pouvais que garder les yeux ouverts tellement l’envie d’écouter ces sons merveilleux m’obsédait. Mon corps se fatiguait à défaut de pouvoir se crisper. Et je devais abandonner, dans l’espoir que le beau temps ne s’attarde pas. Malgré cela, je pouvais encore rester là, à peine présente, perdue entre la léthargie de mon corps et la vivacité de mon esprit. Je pouvais imaginer avoir les yeux ouverts, les oreilles attentives. Enfin, la paix reprenait le dessus.
Inspired by Proust
AndSoOn May 2014
Have you ever felt this weird sensation of happiness ?
When it does rain, I feel it. I hear it. I watch it.
The sound of the rain is a peaceful noise, rare and fragile.
Its fragility make it beautiful and mostly essential.

In my bed, alone, I feel alive when there's a storm.
I feel protected. I feel this unexplainable feeling:
I love the rain for that. It is, for sure, the only element
That can make me peacefully smile.

That kind of people are called : ombrophiles
Like the rain forests, or plants that need rain to survive.
In that case, I'm a rain forest or an ombrophile.
My happiness survives thanks to the sound of the rain

I love its sounds but I hate being under
I can't handle being wet, being vulnerable.
But still, in my bed, a storm is my best dream.
I don't know what's yours but I hope it makes you happy as much as rain does for me.
AndSoOn Jan 2014
When I'm so tired but I don't want to go to sleep
I just fight against myself, trying to stay awake.
Into my mind, I just watch, I 'm falling deep
Into my body, but still, I feel no ache.

When I'm so tired that I don't feel anything
I just try to inspire me and let me dream.
I may be a bird, even with a broken wing
I may be a storm, even follow your stream.

I'm a butterfly who lives one day long
I'll die every nights, I'll reborn every mornings.
My life is a carpe diem, but not so strong
I fake everyday, I'm fake for you beings.

You, earth, God, Jesus, Allah: observe !
Whatever you name is, my lord,
Give me back what I deserve
There is nothing more than I can afford.
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