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Smile all the time
Act friendly and go the extra mile to make conversation
Be sensitive and be interesting
Else you'll be left behind
All the good ones will be taken and you're left with the remains
It's a ****** affair, making friends
Everyone puts on their armor of confidence
And draws out their weapon of friendliness
Some are glamorous at first sight
Others pathetic or mysterious
Boring or rude
You try your hardest to befriend the glamorous ones
But then end up being paired up with the last person on your list, probably wasn't even in your list.
Boiling with disappointment but still armed with the battle gear of friendship building
You set to your task, not wanting to be roped off as the rude one
Weeks later the deceptive mist is cleared away
And people just stop making the effort to impress
Suddenly you wonder what you saw in others that intrigued you
Some turned out to be as glamorous as a drunk Britney Spears
And others turned out to be the best friends one could find
It's a ****** affair making friends
You really have to find the right ones for you
Can't be stuck in a friendship where they only come to you for food or homework.
If you are then I'm sorry but you my friend are what is known as 'back-up' friend
If you are then you need to get yourself some friends who are better deserving of your friendship.
No matter how long it takes.
Jul 2014 · 571
Say you're sorry,
Say you still love me,
Say I'm the only one,
Show me if you can,
Solve this messy puzzle,
For I'm lost deep within this inner tussle,
If you didn't mean to hurt me,
Then take it all away, all the horrors That i see, 
For I've been scarred by your hands
Those hands that trap me in these blighted lands,
And crushed my heart till it bled 
So if you're sorry, show me that you cared,
And make my face bright again..
This is a poem I wrote with my good friend Ebo Sackey.. Go check out his poems. He's really good
Jul 2014 · 611
I'm walking down this empty road alone 
All around me, houses are lit up
And full of happiness that has grown
The sound of  singing 
And laughter ringing 
Only manages to harden my bitter heart.

I'm sitting around a table with my friends
But I have never felt more alone
Their pointless conversations about latest trends
Is just a monotonous drone
And anger fills me up like a storm

I retreat into my own sad world
Full of thoughts too morbid to express
Haunting songs fill my head
And for a short while I'm content
But it's not enough
And soon my tunnel of light disappears 
And I'm plunged into darkness.
Jul 2014 · 1.2k
The Kiss
He never got to kiss them
those lips he had vowed to kiss when they met
She had always refused
Even though Lord knows she really wanted to
She had loved him too
It just took years for her to realize it

This is a story of two best friends
Who fall in love in **** Germany
But I'm afraid it's not the ending you expect
No, they do not end up together in the end
They could have- but they didn't
Because an arschloch called ******
Decided that he was better than everyone in this whole ****** world

So this young boy died never knowing the taste of her lips
And she was left behind
To kiss his dead body 
And declare her love for him
But it was too Late.
He was gone
And she was alone
This poem is based on The Book Thief.. I just had to write something about it else I was going to explode..
Jun 2014 · 364
See how they dance around
I look at them and I'm home bound
I'm not crazy, they really are there
And I really don't appreciate your odd stares
They're there I tell you!
Their bright blue eyes are piercing through
Well now they're gone
But it won't be long
Till they return for me
Jun 2014 · 601
This isn't normal
I barely even know what it is 
I barely know anything anymore
I've had this before 
But this time it's different
Because I'm refusing to admit 
What I'm feeling 
To anyone, even myself 

I'm refusing to admit
That you make my heart do backflips
That you make my stomach churn
In the best possible way
I'm refusing to admit
That I think about you everyday
That my breath hitches
Whenever you come my way

If anyone asks me, I'll deny it but
I really think I actually like you
This feeling had never lasted this long 
Except for one time 
But that's for another time 
I love this feeling because it gets my blood pumping

But I hate it too because things never  end well
In fact- scratch everything I just said
I'm not ready to open up yet
This is.... I don't know what this is
Jun 2014 · 556
Don't look at me
I'm not pretty
I won't blow your mind
Don't get to know me either
You'll just get disappointed
Jun 2014 · 493
3 Days
I had three more days to live they said
I had to get my affairs in order they said
And say goodbye to my loved ones
Wait... loved ones?
I have no loved ones
Everyone I met along the way
Was pushed out of my life
By me..

You see I thought that they would be distractions
Obstacles in the way of my success
My mother always said
'Eliminate your distractions'
And that is just what I did

Now I'm successful, dying and alone
Where did my life lead to?
No one to share my joys with
But my pathetic dog that can't even walk right
My whole life was a waste
And I have only three days
To try and change that
Jun 2014 · 1.2k
Our Crayon Box
A vicious war is waging between two groups
The pink and the blue cannot be pacified
Just because one pink is too loud for her own good
But that's no excuse for all this bloodiness
Yes, people make mistakes
Especially pinks, when they ***

There's a dark side to the blues
A side that scares not the pinks
But the other colors in this crayon box
A side that is foreign and is verging on evil
This little pink right here is fed up of this madness

It's either we learn to mix our colours
To create a beautiful myriad
Or we all clash together and end up
With a torn crayon box and broken crayons
It's the battle of the sexes
And it doesn't look like it's ending anytime soon
This is about a personal experience in my life.
Jun 2014 · 486
He Loves Me, Doesn't He?
We had an argument
We shouted, you screamed
I cried and hit your chest
You shoved me on the floor
Time stopped and I looked on in shock
Adrenaline Pumped and I lunged at you

I scratched and kicked as hard as i could
I felt my body hit the ground
Your fists like hot steel with every blow
I curled up and waited for it to be over

You stopped and started to cry
You kissed my forming bruises
And said you loved me

He would never hit me again, would he?
He was angry and he overreacted, he said
It was just a one time thing, wasn't it?
He loves me, doesn't he?
Wrote this in a rush.
Jun 2014 · 986
ink heart
Ink my heart with the words you cried
Cause I was there beside you the night you died
Tell my story with the words you speak
Cause your heart is the paper and its lines are what I seek
Jun 2014 · 1.4k
Tongue-tied, he holds his breath
Inhaling the air like it's crystal ****
Tongue-torn, he bleeds it out
Love stains on his mouth
His heart bleeding for her
His glass eyes stop and stare

To him she's his only way out
From himself and his paper skin
Cause these tears are wearing him paperthin
His love, his heart he's lost control
This love, this heart he's lost his soul
I wrote this poem with my incredibly talented friend- Benedict

— The End —