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 Aug 2018 a M b 3 R
Same place, same times,
different colours, no longer black and white.
Texting on the phone, calling home,
being the one resting, your body sank into the floor.
Same anxiety, can't communicate.
Just missing out. Want to be alone...alone?
Can't get out of this shell.
Help me with my mental health....
People has real problems, and I am not one of them.
Sorry for being quiet, despite all your tries.
Sorry for being closed up, locked up tight.
Sorry that the keys dont just fall from the sky.
Confused and lost.
Messy thoughts.
Expectations, sky-high.
Perfection, the "prize"
Losing sight of those eyes...
This big, loving, shining eyes, where you look over me.
Cradling in your arms you sooth me.
Thank you.
Yet again, a similar scene, where you helped me up, and kissed me on the cheek. Yet again you loved me the same each day.
Yet again you show me mercy and grace in every way.
I feel like I experienced this before...
Yet again, it's your saving grace...
Saving me from this dark place...
Yet again you helped me up.
Yet again, I fall down, and still you pick me up, and say " Don't give up!!"
Thank you...God.
All too familiar....thank you God for loving me, whether it be you say it directly or the fact that I an living and breathing, or thtiugh my family and friends..thank you
 Aug 2018 a M b 3 R
Benji James
Hello, Hellopoetry...
It's been a while
Since I posted last
Don't worry
I haven't been sitting on my '***'
I've just been busy pouring 'Love'
and 'Light' back into my 'Life'
I've been doing things I dream about
Beneath these stars,
Hope glistens in the distance.
I may not have had much time
To write new lines
This is just to check in
So you know I'm alright.
I really miss you guys!
Your comments and love
Refuelled my fire
It made me determined
to aim 'Higher'
I've been doing things
I never thought I'd do.
And Hellopoetry it's all because of you...
This community binds
together through the darkest times
I urge you, Don't ever give up
on whatever it is you love.
For if you give up, you'll find
In the back of your mind
A regret that never fades.
With a little nudge and push
I found some new motivation
To retry and build a new creation.
 Aug 2018 a M b 3 R
sage silcross
she put the sin in sincere

I exhale smoke and my feelings for her into the atmosphere

did you even love me? that part’s unclear

the damage she left was severe,

I revel in knowing I’ll forget more of her each year
 Aug 2018 a M b 3 R
Orange Rose
I wrote a poem when I died...
Another at my birth.
A brand-new sonnet when I cried.
And again when there was mirth.

A song for my confession...
A story for my pain...
A painting for depression...
And nursery rhymes for rain.

My creations live inside my heart.
I keep them there in shame.
Yet you looked around and saw my art,
And smiled all the same.
 Aug 2018 a M b 3 R
Charlie Black
In the end
Everyone leaves
And I end up
Alone again
And worse off
Each time.
Why do I care
So much?
What am I doing
That makes
Everyone I know
Leave like it was
The easiest thing
They had ever done?
Why do I even try
Maybe I should just
Give up.
 Aug 2018 a M b 3 R
 Aug 2018 a M b 3 R
Flying in the sky, my hands by my side.
Whisking your skin as I passed by.
Lights made facades of what should have beens.
Deformed beauties of light formed on your backs and your shoulders.
You laughed and talked.
You ran you mocked.
You whispered, you thought.
You told jokes, you were polite.
quietly I whisk by.
Barely marking the places I have been.
There I go, the whoosh of the wind, I said something in your ear.
But all it was was just a whoosh in your ear.
Swiftly I fade away.
Just moved the leaves and made them sway.
You barely noticed me, I know.
I didn't mean to be cold...
I hope you forgive me, for blowing out the candles, for letting the dreams and hopes of yours fly past. Unnoticed.
Quietly I flew by, as I danced in the smoke of your eyes, talking to you, by and by.
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