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Is there something wrong with me?
I meet a lot of people,
and it seems to be going okay

But then for some reason,
I always end up feeling like an outsider.
I’m not good enough for you?
Was being honest a mistake?
I put myself out there again
And you cancelled our date

Who wants an addict?
I’ve been in recovery for years
The word itself scares humans
It brings me to tears

They will never get it
Nor give me a chance
You said you really liked me
But never made it to the dance

Why are you better than me?
No skeletons in your closet?
Can you throw the first stone?
Can you be that honest?

Do I give up on love?
Do I lie about my past?
I’ll just pick up a drink
That’s the part I was cast
 May 2015 Falling Apart
Dead Lock
I remember
The first time
When I was ten
I learned about
Self harm
I remember
Why would
Anyone do this
To themselves
It's so
And three years
I am
In the shower
I’m a functionally depressed person.
I’ve self-diagnosed myself as this
Because severe depression makes
Me feel like I should be lying
Around my house all day and
Although I’d rather wrap myself
In the blankets of my bed,
I push myself out into the day.
Dressed in an outfit that’s not
Sweatpants and a t-shirt, but
Instead, jeans and a sweater.
Long sleeves to cover the cuts
On my arm, or many bracelets
With no colors that match my
Outfit but they cover my
Self-inflicted wounds from
The night before.
I fake a smile at people
That I pass by during the day
And I hope that they can’t
See through my eyes and into
My head. I hope they can’t read
The suicidal thoughts swimming
Around, filling the lack of serotonin
That I’m missing from my brain.
Their eyes feel like lasers shooting
Into my brain like bullets that I dream
Of releasing from the chamber
To settle in my head.
I’m a functionally depressed person
Because I function in society
Without anyone knowing that
Inside, I’m already dead.
I've had a really bad day.
I'm tired of being alive
I'm tired of not wanting to be alive
I'm tired of having responsibilities
I'm tired of pretending like everything is okay
I'm tired of going to a house that 'im suppose to call my “home ” but it’s not that at all
Its a roof over my head to keep me warm but not to keep me sane
I'm insane
I'm tired of thinking i'm insane
I'm tired of arguing
I'm tired of having to put in headphones to block out the world
I'm tired of living in a world where money is the number one priority because without money you have nothing
I'm tired of the world
i'm tired of writing about my feelings
I'm tired of hiding my feelings
I'm tired of feelings
I'm tired of thinking
I'm tired of breathing
I'm tired of being tired ..

Another sleepless night
3am, a bit beyond
the witching hour

A time of quiet reflection
Remembering dreams lost
& Creating dreams to be

Thinking of past sorrows
Anticipating tomorrow's

Another sleepless night

Contemplating Life's mystery
Marveling at the
Wonder of it all...
 Feb 2015 Falling Apart
He was her 11:11 wish, still.
Old habits die hard.

— The End —