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 Mar 2017 Alyna
My Love
 Mar 2017 Alyna
The darkness of the void seemed seamless
Loneliness was the best friend I did not pursue,
he chased me down enclosing me in his *******
I screamed,wept,and wailed
Loneliness leave me be and let me breathe
impossible to find one who is perfect for me
Looking to look yet I do not see
Find me my love,find me
and death to loneliness,forever leave me be
 Mar 2017 Alyna
ajit peter
One day
 Mar 2017 Alyna
ajit peter
One fine day
One. Lonely way
Just to fly away
Know not the day
Far yet near they say
A price to pay
Seeking sun's golden ray
Hearts wishes to pray
Travelled all the way
Know not the day
Death a scene doth play
Fear not they say
Thy love left behind will stay
Eternal under sun's ray
 Jan 2017 Alyna
Sadness you have been my cloak
and my dagger
dividing asunder the sadness from my hope
Hope I am wailing your name to save me
Wisdom show me the path of candlelight
delicate in it's way yet has the power
to give darkness it's own fear
I hate this heaviness,bringing me down through the waters
chains grapple my ankles and my arms fight with the very strength
God endowed me in birth with the breath of life
breath to fight with my sword and my shield
to cut the chains of Sadness and it's brother Depression
Lord,surround me with faith so I can move mountains
and the mountains can no longer crush my being
One day I pray soon to be freed of Sadness
and breathe the breath of Freedom
Life can be draining.
 Apr 2015 Alyna
Stephanie Lynn
would you believe
it is the simplest of things,
could it be the top of the world?
in comparison, that is what it is to me
my love, you hold the candle by all means
to lie next to you at the end of God's day
is pure perfection, you see
i am merely beneath the covers to dream
and doing so next to you,
is my favorite place to be
I love you forever, T.

(C) Maxwell 2015
 Jan 2015 Alyna
Stephanie Lynn
my great grandmother said,
Oh, freedom
oh, freedom
oh freedom
over me

my grandmother said,
and before i'll be a slave,
i'll be buried in my grave
and go home to my Lord
and be free

my father said,
no more weeping,
no more weeping
no more weeping,
over me

I say,
before i'll be a slave,
i'll be buried in my grave
and go home to my Lord
and be free

Oh freedom!

Oh freedom
over me!

how thankful am i
how blessed am i
to be black
be free
This poem was inspired by stories from my father. This is me envisioning generations within my family singing this song (Oh Freedom) at different stages in our history. To me, that has such meaning and power.. With our society becoming more openly racially divided, its as if we have moved backwards in time. So when I find myself becoming angry or hateful, I think about what my family endured in their time, about how my father's birth certificate says "*****" on it, and how he had to drink from "colored only" fountains, and how he grew up picking cotton from sun up to sun down, It means so much to me as not only a light in the dark gospel song, but to know this was sung from the very lips that began this family in a time where freedom was not for us, touches my soul to the very core. My family is a strong family and our ties are bonded by love and Christ.
My great grandmother was a slave, and to see where I stand just three generations ahead of her, really places into my heart the realization of how much power I truly carry in my voice and just how much strength I carry in my veins.

(C) Maxwell 2015
 Jan 2015 Alyna
Haydn Swan
Tin men
 Jan 2015 Alyna
Haydn Swan
We are the tin men
never the thin men
we walk in lines
within confines
never to weep
seek emortal sleep
 Sep 2014 Alyna
Thank You
 Sep 2014 Alyna
I'd like to thank

for giving me the confidence to ask her out

Drunk texts
for the brutal honesty

Flannel shirts
for hiding my scars

My cats
for always being the cover story

My brother
for never telling my parents

My best friend
for finally telling my parents

That girl in my art class
for calling me kind

That guy I dated
for calling me selfish

My counselor
for telling me to mind my own business

The boy who said he loved me
for teaching me what love isn't

My bedroom
for keeping my sobs concealed

My headphones
for keeping my **** private

My ****
for keeping me from ******* that guy

That guy
for ******* me anyways

for killing me

for keeping me alive
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