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Feb 2015 · 591
The storm (nove otto)
Alice Morris Feb 2015
The sky was awoken tonight

Claps of thunder, flashes of light.

Gentle rain turning to a pour.

Animals run to find cover,

young child screams for her mother.

The ground can not take any more,

puddles are starting to be formed.

By daylight life will have been mourned,

The force of the storm at my door.
Feb 2015 · 1.0k
Broken hearts
Alice Morris Feb 2015
Tonight I had trouble sleeping,

because my heart was a weeping.

so I decided to take a moonlit walk,

to ponder on my thoughts.

It was like the trees were moving me along,

before I knew it the path was gone.

The cold wind made me shiver,

in the distance I could hear the trickling of a river.

Rustling noises echoed around me,

but I wasn't afraid, what was to become of me.

My heart has been broken,

words left unspoken.

So if tonight I was to die,

I wouldn't cry.

I came to rest in a small clearing,

suddenly mounds with crosses on started appearing.

I was drawn to this one cross,

it was different, new not covered in moss.

Like magic I was there reading the name,

it was mine, I must be going insane.

Violently I was swung around,

I screamed at what I found.

Hanging from a single tree,

my lifeless body was all I could see.

Then a voice spoke though the wind,

this is the message it did bring.

Is this how you want to be found?

hanging from a tree, then buried in the ground.

All these graves belong to people like you,

left broken not knowing what to do.

But there is one difference, you are strong,

this isn't where you belong.

They didn't have your choices,

their lovers cut their voices.

You need to go home and see,

how much you are loved, just trust in me.

Then NEVER return to this place,

or else next time a different fate you will face.
Alice Morris Feb 2015
The whispering winds
carry your deepest secrets
all over the world
Feb 2015 · 650
Rise from the ashes
Alice Morris Feb 2015
The warmth rises
I'm engulfed in flames
there is no pain
just the feeling of peace
an inner peace
at last I'm whole
I'm free, I've been released
to start living again
Feb 2015 · 2.6k
How cupid found love
Alice Morris Feb 2015
Cupid the Roman god of love,

flew down like a dove.

Striking arrows to bring people together,

hoping the love lasts forever.

Son of Venus and Mars,

pictures portray him surrounded by hearts.

His name means desire,

he likes to set hearts on fire.

His mother was the jealous kind,

I women better than her, she did find.

She ordered cupid to find her a man,

but evil was her plan.

She told cupid to choose the vilest man,

to take this women's hand.

As cupid sat on the edge of the girl's bed,

he scratched himself with his arrow head.

He couldn't help but fall for the girl,

his mother was set on sending to hell.

He would visit her each and every night,

telling she could never catch a sight.

Two evil sisters she had,

who told her this guy was bad,

so one night she couldn't help but look,

cupid didn't take this well, and off he took.

She searched the world for him,

and didn't stop til Jupitar stepped in.

He gave her immortality,

so she could make her love for cupid reality.

Now they live happy together,

with their daughter voluptas forever.

Cupid and his wife Psyche,

flew off into the night.
Feb 2015 · 37.4k
Waterfall (haiku)
Alice Morris Feb 2015
The magical sound,
of the cascading water,
natural beauty,
Feb 2015 · 2.8k
Willow tree (haiku)
Alice Morris Feb 2015
Weeping willow sways

in the gentle autumn breeze

watching life pass by.
Feb 2015 · 2.9k
Come walk with me
Alice Morris Feb 2015
Come walk with me,

along the moonlit beach.

Let's share our future dreams,

and put our past to sleep.


Come walk with me,

along the golden sands.

A single set of footprints,

always needs a helping hand.


Come walk with me,

there's something I want you to see.

But first just one question,

will you marry me?


Come walk with me,

our future belongs together.

Along this moonlit beach,

Let's declare our love forever.


Come walk with me.......

— The End —