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 Oct 2015 ahmo
Allyson Walsh
I packed your red t-shirt away;
The last bit I kept of you.

Letting go is hard...
But trying to forget is harder.

I clung to that shirt for months.
It smelled of your skin.

But, when I wore it recently,
It felt wrong.

I was weighed down.
You... weighed me down.

I lifted your heavy t-shirt off my shoulders...
To finally feel free.
For WY

A part of me still loves you... although you never deserved my love.

You'll come back. They all do... and I'll learn to refuse.

(Needs editing).
 Oct 2015 ahmo
We talked

left inside the texts

Eyes were glancing at me
I looked away

This head wondering
why it's so heavy

      Hiding all
the questions

Closed my own

I never wanted you to
made me felt this way

You were gone
without a word

       You said
you miss me

But won't come back

Then you are
 Oct 2015 ahmo
Stormy Bailey
What am I scared of?
I'm scared of the dark.
Well not the dark itself,
but what might be lurking in it,
slinking through the shadows waiting to ***** out my life.
What am I scared of?
I'm scared of heights.
Because when I'm standing on the edge, looking into the unknown,
I have the overwhelming urge to jump.  
What am I scared of?
I'm scared of anything dead.
No not death itself, but the chills I get round a corpse.
The feeling of something beside me,
holding on to life.
What am I scared of?
I fear fear itself.
But what do you fear?
That's the real question.
What are you scared of?
 Oct 2015 ahmo
SE Reimer
 Oct 2015 ahmo
SE Reimer

where’s the rain
to save the day?
the silo empty,
the barn no hay.
the only pouring
we have seen
is from the counter
down the street.
gin and beer and
old Jim Beam,
the bar is full,
but glass is empty.
our men are weeping,
children hungry!
these fields that yielded
harvest plenty
under sweat of
daddy's brow,
now they’ll try’n
take my home;
state moves in
to steal our peace,
won’t leave us ’lone,
till we’ve been fleeced.
send a draught to
quench our pain;
end this drought with
drenching rain!
this to you we pray...

“pour from heaven’s door,
indulge us with an inundation;
from the bounty of your store
deluge us with a liquidation”

oh, keeper of
these cloudless skies,
send sweet rain
to wet these eyes!
for the lost ones
in this town,
to save this family,
save this farm,
from heartless souls
who mean us harm.
i am just a poor boy
whose cup has all run dry
no where else to turn,
nothing left to try.
flow in torrents,
pour in sheets,
send libations,
bring relief;
send the rain to
flood the street.
oh master of
the ocean deep,
pour your liquid,
pour your gold,
a’fore our children
grow too old.
no more saving
for some rainy day,
this to you we pray...

“pour from heaven’s door,
indulge us with an inundation;
with bounty from your store
deluge us with a liquidation”


*post script

the Western US is experiencing a four-year drought of
epic proportions and with water in such short supply,
family farms are burning up in the heat
with grave consequences looming large
on the not-so-distant horizon.
we witnessed this arid devestation
first hand a week ago traveling through
North and Central California, and
felt in just the tiniest way the crush
of water shortages at all her state
campgrounds. beautiful Shasta Lake
was dry except for a small stream
running through the lake bed...
how very sad; she is not the California
i remember in our last visit.
 Oct 2015 ahmo
Aishwarya Nair
We fell back asleep,
tangled up in each other.
I found calm in you.
 Oct 2015 ahmo
tongue tied
 Oct 2015 ahmo
you keep
swallowing your words
and then wonder
why you're never heard
where do they go?
 Oct 2015 ahmo
 Oct 2015 ahmo
broken heart; tear stained pillows, books and sleeves..
you said to me " you are missed " my immediate response was " you are missing from me, baby please come back to me " those words were easily typed and then again erased.. and with that I had to excuse myself and stain the sleeves in the comfort of my own solitude..trapped
i need you, not a part of you but all of you as i gave my everything to you, it may be hard but in order for me to call myself yours, this box, you call home? has to become something more than a vessel i plan my inevitable end
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