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 Feb 2017 AFJ
Ravanna Dee
 Feb 2017 AFJ
Ravanna Dee
It's your head,
your heart,
and everything in between.
And that, my friend,
is what poetry should be.
 Feb 2017 AFJ
Julia Mae
this is me giving up
this is me surrendering
this is me saying i was never your worth
this is me finally leaving
to give you what you want
this is me in defeat
this is me saying that you were right all along
that i was the **** of the earth
and i had you always looking for so much more
 Feb 2017 AFJ
You were dating that girl from heaven
So angelic yet mind so brittle
You took her to better places
And gave her things you couldn’t give me.

She’s polite, all tender hand shakes and smiles
And she’s even nice to me to be on your side
She’s not the stereotype of perfect
Cos she’s got a dark side but it’s worth it
Cos I bet you want to see her naked
And I bet she looks better than me
And if you do something wrong
She’ll never tell you.
Nearly perfect.

So why

You were dating that girl from heaven
You were dating even when you didn’t know it
Your walks were romantic and flirtatious
But oh so gracious
And so ungraciously you fell for her
And bought her better perfume
But I wasn’t in competition
Now I don’t want to be involved -
With a silly girl from such a tragic, lethargic world.

So why

I hope you and your girl from heaven dance in woods
And run on hot coal together
I hope your love isn’t based on words
I hope she offers you things I never knew
And I hope you get her name tattooed
Girl from heaven, thank you.
 Feb 2017 AFJ
 Feb 2017 AFJ
And the wind swept them away
All the blue grass
Where we lay and you made secret plans
It swept the memories

I remember to this day
All the others
Love lost maybe buried in a chorus of a song somewhere

Pictures smiling through the rain
Framed to hide the times we struggled but we felt no pain
We felt nothing

And it's the brightest ones that die
Always falling
Slowly becoming something else

I was hoping we'd get through it all
 Feb 2017 AFJ
 Feb 2017 AFJ
She was a crescent moon never completely lit
She imagined someone out there would find her and strike a match
She never considered it might hurt
This moon hid from most things
She orbited around a planet that was so unfamiliar to her
She knew others like her existed galaxies away
It made her feel both lonely and special.

The moon befriended stars
She sometimes wished she was small and bright and fleeting
But she was large and slow

One day one of the stars started mocking the moon with his light
He would shine right in her eyes and tell her she was nothing

The moon gradually grew smaller
It only looked within itself with shame
Finally, there was just a tiny spec

The whole world burned.
The moon chose to listen to an ignorant critic, because it was ignorant of its own worth, not realising that without it, there would be no critic. Loneliness can be to blame, to an extent. Without the cool presence of the moon, without darkness, there is no ‘light’ or, at least, there is no appreciation of the difference. Therefore, the world burns - literally, in the sun and metaphorically, with indulgence.
 Feb 2017 AFJ
White jeep
 Feb 2017 AFJ
White jeep
That's where I hurt your head and you cried to your mum
The same one that my grandad crashed
The mafia wanted to exchange me for money
I didn't understand

I found a gun in the kitchen draw
It was pretty cool

And someone's wheels rode over my mums knee
They planned to throw her off the bridge
But she woke up  

And two men made an offer with two angry dogs on their side  
A deal went wrong and they took her dignity
Afterward they threw her on the steps like trash
 Feb 2017 AFJ
 Feb 2017 AFJ
I hold you close
Between reality and dreams
If I plant you where mountains grow
Will you spread
If I fly over your scattered body
Promise you'll flower
Like dreamers look upon the stars
And only allow themselves to dream in solitude
I allow you to exist in my fantasy

I try to understand your mind but will never be sure
Unless you give me more than your eyes
More than a drunken grip of my waist that seemed like an accident

That night you kisssed my cheek I felt you hard against my skin
And I'm not sure if you knew but I acted like it didn't matter
But inside a small part of me let you in and I was surprised you were capable of affection
 Feb 2017 AFJ
 Feb 2017 AFJ
there is this thing in society now that begs description
like Extra Sensory Perception it has it's roots in
the richest are getting richer
and we want to believe in a billionaire
to fix all that?
I call that Extra Sensory Deception,
but anyway I am not political,
I gave him, a chance
 Feb 2017 AFJ
Kayotic Tragedy
 Feb 2017 AFJ
Kayotic Tragedy
Anger in his eyes, his fist raised again
Where is the compasion? What is it that lacks in him?
Daddy, what happened to you? When did you change?
What caused you to grow heartless and deranged?
The days grow darker, mommy is gone.
Some days present battles that cannot be won.
The more violence I see, the more I wish to run
I want to go back to the old days, when time with daddy used to be fun
But the storm is raging, darkening the skies
The hits get worse the more the child cries
A man who used to be a guardian has lost his glow
And one day the child will escape his blow
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