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 Feb 2017 AFJ
Kayotic Tragedy
Crimson sweat seeps from my flesh onto the cold floor.
 Feb 2017 AFJ
Kayotic Tragedy
 Feb 2017 AFJ
Kayotic Tragedy
Spinning in a downward spiral
Like a sickness going viral
Bringing down the life of many
Sinking to the sea...
Screaming, crying 'help me out'
No one listens to her shout
Falling beneath the crashing waves
Of social acceptance...
She's breathing, not living
She wonders if she's worth saving
From the peer pressure from those above
To get out of the addiction to drugs...
 Feb 2017 AFJ
Kayotic Tragedy
 Feb 2017 AFJ
Kayotic Tragedy
I'm as fine as a glass of wine. That has been tipped over, shattered and spilling its reddened liquid across the counter top.
 Feb 2017 AFJ
Kayotic Tragedy
We are left to sit and wonder,
What is life?
What is real?
And why do living things need feelings?

Well how'd you like to try pumping lead through your veins?
Or have a heart so wet and cold it starts rusting.
When the world ticks around, your voice is talking all the time.
Or live with feelings you've never felt because you cannot feel.

What is this leaking affecting my eyes?
Does the oil that is dripping, mean this is a cry?
Will I ever be something with feelings to hide?
Or am I just a boiler with nothing inside?

I want all today, don't want to hear you say
"You can't do this, you can't do that.
You're not a living thing with feelings."

Wind me up, turn the gears.
I want more today, don't want to hear you say
"I love you."
 Feb 2017 AFJ
Kayotic Tragedy
We all seek our pleasures, expressed in many ways
Some of us like romance, while some of us like pain
Some of us allow ourselves to be torn down, ripped away
While others feel like to be staisfied something must be gained
 Feb 2017 AFJ
Kayotic Tragedy
Tears of a mother, scares the child
Misunderstanding, the look in the child's eye is wild
Fear mixed into a situation of the unknown
Unsure where to walk because this time the path has not been shown
All these little kids know, is they must pack up their toys for they will be going away
Momma said that she doesn't know where she will stay
So separated, they must be
The children then find refuge with their daddy
He takes them in, promising it will be alright
But without momma, I can't sleep at night...
Is she safe? Is she ok?
Daddy? Why did mommy go away?
 Feb 2017 AFJ
And this,
Is of all and anything...

Little girls wear too much makeup
Pre-teens, children
Everyone shaves or waxes their genitals
**** and **** "jobs"
Are commonalities
The fridge repair man came today
Cash, or *******?
I'm not sure,
***** stamped,
on makeup
My five year old worries about her hair,
Style and colour
She asks questions
I can't answer
My therapist
Charges too much,
Feeling too much
Six figure income,
And paying only less,
Than five dollars a day,
In child support
Husbands, locking up wives
And getting by,
Mothers, stripping
To make ends meet
No judgement here
Not that I could,
Nor, that I ever would
Thinking about,
In trash cans
Where real souls dwell
Infections of the uninsured,
All's well
I swear.....
This is
Please do forgive, if I've upset anyone. I've had far too much to drink. And I'm insane. As you all know. But, I think. I feel. Too much, I suppose. Love and Light for you all. And God help you poets out there. For, we all feel and see far more than anyone ever should have to. I love you all.-agb
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