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adriana Apr 2018
I'll find a way to escape this, too.
Whether it takes me until the sunrise.
Whether it takes me until I'm at the end.
I find a way to circumvent your feelings.
I know you've got your heart set on love,
But I have to say, I'd really prefer your trust.
adriana Apr 2018
There's always beauty in the most insignificant thing.
The way your voice sometimes shakes when you sing.
The way the falling snow always collects on your lashes.
The way your face looks in the rain after lightning flashes.
I know this is cliche,
But you're most beautiful when you're not trying to be.
adriana Apr 2018
the good days burn out like matches.
sparking sleepless nights and bad dreams.
the force of trying to start it again isn't
worth the ephemerality of its effect.
you never should've played with fire.
it's (i'm) nearly impossible to put out
once i'm started
adriana Apr 2018
i look at you and see myself
you feel like home
when the furniture's pushed back
we fill the space
slow dancing to silence
barefoot on the carpet
no good - harry hudson
adriana Apr 2018
i lock it down, can't let that go.
it can't hurt you if you just don't know.
things lose power when you say them out loud.
there are things i can't let go. guess i'm too proud.
adriana Apr 2018
i lie if it means keeping it away from you.
i lie, on my knees, at church, in the pew.
but honestly
the only honest thing
i'm saying is that honesty
is overrated
and i fake it
until i make it
but when my world's at stake
and i can't tell how much you can take
and its weight would push you
out of my life and too

I lie for you.
adriana Apr 2018
I don't want anything from you.
I know that it sometimes seems like all I do is use you.
I'm sorry. I'm so, so sorry.
You're so much more to me than that.
You raised me, for god's sake.
No one could ever replace you.
I need you so much, and I'm so scared that I'm going to lose you.
The doctors can't get it right, and it keeps getting worse.
We fight all the time but I can't live without you.
I'm scared that those could've been the last words that I said.
I know I went too far, and I can't go back.
I can't apologize my way out of this one.
You think that I want to replace you.
I know that I act like I do.
I love you so much.
I'm sorry.
I rarely cry.
I am now.
Enjoy what you have while you have it. You can lose it in an instant. Don't take people for granted. Love who you love while you can. Life is nothing until you lose everything.
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