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749 · Mar 2024
T1n0 Mar 2024
So I will write
A love letter to the flower
That withers not.
Or send a rose to the love
That dies not.
Beauty lying in perpetuity.
My tender passions fulfilled
For everlasting.
Desire turned inside out,
Heaven still lewd.
I will hold on,
I will still love
When all melody stops.
When the drought ends.
In the coldness of hell.
You are the flower
That will still blossom.
298 · Jul 2020
When did you break my heart
T1n0 Jul 2020
My heart didn't break when you said No to me
Nor when you said "can we still be friends"
Neither did it break when you got with another man
My heart was still whole when I realized i spent four years chasing after you
My heart didn't break when my friends made fun of you for my benefit.
My heart didn't break for the past year when i was in regret
My heart didn't break when i decided it was time to move on.
My heart broke a month ago when you told me you regret saying NO to me.
260 · Aug 2019
Docks of Satori
T1n0 Aug 2019
Roses are red, violets are blue,
But so are the remnants of a torn away heart
So is my blood, close to suffocation
Even so is the ink that paints bleeding parchment
And likewise the eyes that sobbed separation.
Love is what feels, and love is what feels not
Pain is what burns, yet still not that kills most
Joy is what clowns, and laughter that reels off
Sorrow which cried, but still not that sobs most
Pain which thrives, scares are what calms most
Success that reprieves, and regret that fills most
So that which is not is, and is just ain't not.

Honey is sweet, and so are you.
Yet so are hopes that raises most shame
And so is the evil that brings most fame
Even so is the heart that gives the most pain
And so is a life that's aimed at no gain.
Life is what is, and life is what is not.
Which comforts one, austerity thrown another
Which pleases one, still disgruntles another
And that which saves one destroys another
Such is the mystery, the mystery that drives most
That what we see is, and what we don't still is
What we feel might be, and might be we feel not
And so which is is not, and is not still ain't not.
237 · Aug 2020
Bliss in solitude
T1n0 Aug 2020
I found the loneliest content person you will ever meet
A man who acknowledges perfection, but doesn’t yearn for it
A man who adores love, but only if its someone else’s
He applauds from a distance as love rains all around him
He avoids love as if it’s a cold he might catch
He hugs himself to sleep, and kisses his pillow a wonderful night
A sad tale indeed, but bliss in his own eyes
Because he tried once, and love tore him to pieces,
And he only healed, the day he fell in love with himself.
200 · Jul 2020
from a friend
T1n0 Jul 2020
I wish i felt the love jack had for rose.
i wish i knew what made romeo love juliet.
i wish i had the confidence these two idiots had
to have two different worlds collide
and still fight for a love.
i wish i had their confidence,
to even trade their lives for a feeling.
Yet i am still alive and i don't know what it means to love.
Which is better?
148 · Aug 2019
Unsung Lyrics
T1n0 Aug 2019
This is a sound roar of my regret composed song
Punctuated by jots of self loath with no end
Stringing together broken feelings never expressed
Yearning for this passion to flow down a slop of your warmth
Though fueled with a strong desire for compassion
And powered by the great need for presence
Utterances never roll easy to this tongue of mine

These are the rhythms of a sad heart beating
A heart that grows fonder, still yearning that feeling
A feeling for effect, creating my sad sounding story
A perfect story, marred by a bundle of diffidence
All I throw is satire, the irony makes it bearable
But the song is more, b'coz the heart wants much more
And to say it my tongue just simply rolls over.
124 · Feb 16
The Gathering
T1n0 Feb 16
"There's a tenderness in the way she holds
her sorrow like a worn photograph.
A soft bruise of her gaze that wraps around
my own scattered shards of shared sorrows.

Her smile doesn't promise to mend
the fractures of my heart. It simply
whispers, 'Me too,' and in that moment,
our loneliness is a shared sacrament.

In her eyes, I see the echoes of my own pain,
a reflected sorrow that makes the room
less empty, the shadows less oppressive.

And that's why, when you asked me what love is,
I thought of her, and the way she holds her sorrow.
It's not a balm that heals all wounds,
but a gentle acknowledgment that we're wounded together."

— The End —