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She was so happy once upon a time,
She had no sadness or anger inside her
But then something called life came walking along. She grew up noticed how the blue skies turned grey and birds sang in deep sorrowful tunes. She noticed how every leaf and every tree were dead. This girl was so happy once upon a time...
Now all she can see is the world drowning in despair.
Why my darling are you so blue?
Was it that boy who said he didn't love you?
Remember my darling that he's only a boy.
There's many more out there, who would love to see your joy.
You have to find the right one and when you do.
You'll be glad you went with someone new.
Someone besides this monster who broke your heart.
Someone who will give you a brand new start.
Hello is word we use to greet each other. The first word to come from our lips.
Goodbye is a word that saddens me because through my heart it rips.
It's a word that I struggle with because I want you by my side.
I don't want you to go and leave my arms hanging wide.
I'm very sentimental when it comes to these things.
I'll remember you always even when death comes to ring.
Remember, when  you say goodbye for the final time.
You're always welcome to come back, it is not a crime.
One day I know I'll meet you.
One day I'll know you'll be the one I look to.
One day I know I'll love you.
I don't know who you are,
But one day, when I look at you, I know I can stop searching far.
Ice cold hands grip me tight as they lead me toward the light.
I'm terrified for what comes next, the fear of the unknown after death is what I feel best.
I'm getting closer and closer toward the bright clouds.
I see angels singing and tress blowing in the breeze.
Jesus himself is nowhere to be seen, but soon he'll show and guide me home.
He'll look at me with a kindly smile and say, "Hey. It's been awhile."
I'll grab his hand and hold it tight as we walk together, through the mist of forever.
I fake a smile when people ask if am okay,
so I keep smiling to keep the darkness at bay.
I cry in despair, when I see happiness from a distance,
For I cannot get to it, with the darkness' resistance.
So I smile on and hope one day I can be happy.
An emotion everyone has, and I'll take gladly.
Faster and faster tears roll down my face, I inhale a sob at a steady pace.
My mental struggle is too much to bear, I'm falling apart without you here.
I miss the little girl I used to be, when I would see you smiling at me.
Mother, it's been ten years since you've passed, I don't know how the time went by so fast.
I smile sadly as I remember, I've grown older, and my childhood is now over.
I will remember the good times we had, and hope, that you're a peace at last.
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