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Nov 2016 · 643
Abie Ghivari Nov 2016
Bagaimana aku bisa melupakan,
jika kamu adalah impian yang ku semogakan.
Dec 2015 · 747
Abie Ghivari Dec 2015
When I see your smile,
I feel happy and sad.
I'm happy to see your smile.
I'm sad,
If I can't make you keep smiling for me.
For a while, it seems some of us are forget what that meant.
Dec 2015 · 406
The way of love
Abie Ghivari Dec 2015
My will is your concern.
Your concern is God concerns.

I have only one desire,
let me stands next to your fire.

Hide anywhere,
I will find you anytime.
If you're the fire, I would burn out myself and let me live in your eternal fire.
Dec 2015 · 584
Humanity, Forgotten
Abie Ghivari Dec 2015
Do not find for gasoline,
if you can not find the water.

Let the wind blows
and you will see.
Where the wind will blow.
Anger is like a fire that will not stop burn something until become ashes. Ironic, some people let the fire bigger without trying to extinguish the fire.
When the fire is getting bigger, people started to blame each other.
The truth is like a wind. It's something abstract but everybody could feel it.
Nov 2015 · 733
Love story
Abie Ghivari Nov 2015
I hate to call you fairy,
either to call you demon.
Love is just a story
but it can not be forgotten

I love you and I hate you.
The way you understand me.
I hope my dream come true,
the day I say 'marry me'

This is just a poetry,
that I write on my diary.
I feel so happy,
although you are just a fantasy.
I love you. I love the way you see me, understand me, or millions thing that makes me love you although you've left me. It's crazy, how could someone that never - for years - but still crossed in our mind...
Nov 2015 · 647
Papua is crying
Abie Ghivari Nov 2015
Black gold and copper,
Cendrawasih and koteka
Had lost somewhere,
or deprived by someone ?

Please, return everything from this land.
Return the sound of jungle
nor the sound of gurgling river.
Please hear our voices, in the thick of forest.
Please hear our voices, that's been long time hidden.

Cendrawasih cried,
Our tradition gone.
Rivers polluted
Our jungle moan

Papua is crying
Cendrawasih is beautiful bird from papua, that also known as heavenly bird.
Koteka is tradional clothes from papua.
There are many visitors visit to papua, but they only want to destroy or should I say 'exploit' the land without think the effect. Ironic, vilagers are excluded by stranger.
Nov 2015 · 445
Endless love
Abie Ghivari Nov 2015
He is a myth that I have to believe in
A song that no one sing
A 'Merak' for every children
A morning star for every human

He is a miracle
He is heavenly bird
Dreamed of clouds
But had forgotten how to fly

Let me be your wings
To help ease your pain
That help you flyover when the storm comes

You may be thousand of miles away from me
But you are still the first thing in my mind
My dad is everything for me
It has been 6 years, since he got stroke in 2009

— The End —