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 Feb 2016 JAM
Matthew Goff
O pure Sagittarius in light-blue dressed
Your outfit hugs kindly those delicate *******:
water-flowers the moon sprinkled down on your chest
On a sky-pillow your neck how gently it rests

Cloud of porcelain-white asleep in your perfume
The life you breathe into it a slumberous tune
Disrupts a cluster of stars happily may they resume
a ring of memories alive and with us soon
 Feb 2016 JAM
William McLaughlin
synchronize debt
unfortunate occasion

apply a pinch of poverty
unreachable secession

integrate inconsistent economy
lack of intuition

and then you'll be america
it's financial oppresion
rough draft poem in science class xD
 Feb 2016 JAM
Stu Harley
inside of
we are
alive or dead
to drink
same river twice
i said
 Feb 2016 JAM
David Ehrgott
 Feb 2016 JAM
David Ehrgott
charred thundershower lush romps
mountaintops chomp first
 Feb 2016 JAM
Some dream
 Feb 2016 JAM
We sit here dreaming this dream siting in this moment of thought forever
s0me dream for madness and some endeavor to keep on dreaming,

dreaming forever

s0me dream of happiness of pulling the right levers
s0me dream of sadness crying on friendly shoulders
s0me dream of strength 'n0ugh to move boulders
Babies dream of patterns
of shifting colored letters

The dying dream of memories
precious moments replaying forever

I dream of...
Day / Night
Forever and Never

But mostly I dream of dreaming ,
Dreaming Forever
What do you dream about?
 Feb 2016 JAM
I sit atop a mountain and beneath a tree reveling in ecstasy as I gaze upon the divine.

It is here that God chose to experience itself.  From the snow
dusted slopes, to the lightly coated trees, all is as it should be.

My eyes journey from the frozen water particles to the plant life struggling to keep its heat above a crystalline sea, and onward to the mist that enshrouds the mountain….I cannot help but stare in wonder at the spectacle of god presenting itself in its many fractal forms.

Solidified energy falls softly
in an attempt to build itself ever higher.  

The transference of purity puts on a show for those souls with open eyes.

Above me is a comforting blanket of particles,
falling, crying out as they land
“I am!”

Emanating from the most minute pine leaf to the mountain itself arises a silent shout of existence.  It is here that I may be at peace, with the ever present reminder that everything simply is. How would it be if a snowflake judged itself…would it be judged by its tumultuous formation?  how conclusive it's landing? or the quality of its travels?  

Nay, it forsakes judgement because its perfection is stated quite firmly
in the present moment.  Here above the cities

and in the mountains it is cold.  

Paradoxically, it is here where I am stripped bare and proclaim myself warm and free.  Thank you life.
 Feb 2016 JAM
Julie Grenness
******* Armageddon!
So, did we get it on?
Bliss and satiation,
Or was it Armageddon?
Are you still in Australia?
Like Vesuvius and Etna!
Daze in stupefaction-----
How did this compare to Armageddon?
Feedback welcome.
 Feb 2016 JAM
CR Bohnenkamp
My alarm clock goes off almost every morning
but this morning seems different
I wake up and there are already tears in my eyes
This alarm clock is a reminder that the heaviness in my chest will only grow
I hit snooze and start to wonder if I should even get up if I'll only end up sinking
What do you do on the days when you wake up and feel like the world is against you
When you feel like there's a snow covered mountain behind you waiting for your lowest moment to send the rapid downward rush of new problems and things you have to deal with?
My avalanche always hits me when I think nothing else could go wrong
Maybe it's because I like to stack up my problems behind me instead of dealing with them; they were bound to fall eventually.
I like to pretend that I'm strong, but this feeble body can't hold the facade for much longer
The anxiety is starting to lurk around inside of me, looking for reasons to shatter my ribcage
It's tag teaming with depression which is already tugging at my aorta,
On most days I'm surviving
But on days like this I hope the downpour crushes me
My chest cavity seems to have already collapsed anyways, the tears became so heavy that my lungs stopped fighting for air
In the back of my mind I hear a faint beeping, my dreams interpret this as a time bomb, a swift count down to my inevitable demise, but I am not running out of time. I keep thinking I'm battling this clock but I'm only battling myself.
My eyes swiftly open, I hit snooze. I sit up and exhale the thoughts of myself, inhaling  the responsibilities of my day. Today, I'm going to survive.
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