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Wrinkled lips leak twisted tales in your chiseled space between realities
    The kids all listen to your great advice
Heeding your misanthropic words and singing your praises

       "How right and noble it is to feel so glum and strive to strike down smiles with the tongue
        Ma looks on as the children skin Pa to the bone
         Better to receive than to give"

         They scream in monotone

I sit back and watch transfixed as this transpires
     Thinking on my unforgiven sins and sipping your elixir
       Koolaid from the kitchen served in unwashed broken dishes
        My only desire is for you to finish spinning your stories

     The lies pour forth from the intestines of a sick piglet holed up in the morgue
     You couldn't be real to save your life

Your dead eyes drip crocodile tears into my glass
   I watch it mix slowly and think out loud:
    "You reside in Florida so I guess its appropriate"

   But every puddle has it's bottom and your breath is wasted sobbing
      When you're sinking just to try and float
   So if you'll shut the hell up I'll be much more than happy to slit your ******* throat
Deep within something that doesn't exist
Or far away from someone you can't resist

That is where you find your purpose.
The reason you're supposed to live.
Only then will you truly know sanctity.
Only then can you really excell.
Some of us won't make it.
We will lay in these beds of insanity.

'Long as we have that one we can't resist
'Long as we know they simply **exist
I hate love
When forced
To say
 Sep 2014 A Love For Hatred
Love most have died centuries ago
She died with Juliet and Romeo
Now her bones lay dust infested
Romeo's to the left
Juliet's to the right.
Wishing they discussed,
Try to figure out how it all turned sour.

If love is dead,
Who or what are we then?
Excavators, that's who we are
Digging furiously, who cares how far
The grave of the duo love birds must be near
Find it, find love at its undiluted sphere.

Enveloped in this fantasies box
Love becomes no more than a hoax
Love is what it is
A beautiful broken bike if you please
Its too dangerous to ride
Yet no choice but the ride
So if you must, put on your safety gear.

Love does not live inside TVs
Nor magazines
She has left the internet and movies
She now lives in the simplicity of you and I.

You may have looked too hard
Yet you still can't find.
This you must figure out
You are looking in the wrong sites.
The next time you hold in your hands,
The tiniest little grains of sand
Think of how precious the smallest things can be
Like diamonds, or newborn babies feet.
Then think of the world as a grain of sand
Tiny, precious, and in someone else's hands
If we're lucky, they'll lay us gently back on the beach.
If not, by tomorrow we'll be within the tides reach.
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