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Lost in the wilderness of winter, fall is coming,
Time to head home, gather things up,
Getting ready,
Winter is near by,
What to do, where do we start,
Time to chop, bundle of trees,
Sweeping and cleaning, the chimney,
Winter fall,
Things to do, prepare for the feast,
Holidays are coming,
Think of the fall, smell of hot soup, pumpkin pie,
Baking in the oven,
Thinking twice, we are lost, within ourselves,
How can we find ourselves, get ourselves,
Out of the wilderness, to home,
There are good time's, there are bad time's,
To remember by,
Smell of cherky  wood, hot cocoa, made by mom,
Oh how much, we remember,
Dad will go out, hunt, for food, surviving the task,
Through the long winter nights,
Bundling up in bed,
Those time's are still there,
But lost in the wilderness, how can,
Mom and Dad, find us,
We forgot, to mark the twig, to find our way home,
Time's to remember, should remember,
How are father, taught us, lost in the woods,
In the wilderness of winter,
Let's make a fire, the smoke, will be notice,
They would know, we are lost,
Knowing our father and friends,
Will gather together,
Come to find us, knowing it's getting dark,
We worry, about the danger,
Knowing what to do,
We do not be afraid, our father, will be here soon,
We must Pray, for the Angels, to look upon us,
In the moment, let's remember our,
Father and mother,
Things they did, the love and devotion,
Parents love us so, they'll find us soon,
Winter is coming, so is the snow,
Bundle up with joy,
We cannot be afraid, to what may happen,
Twinkle little eye's, by both girls,
Knowing tears will follow,
Lost in the wilderness of winter,
Is knowing, we will be found
 Dec 2015 Steve Young
The moon's rays silently touched the ground
And fir trees shivered in the bitter cold air
I breathe in the scent of wood smoke
And smile quite contentedly
I feel like dancing, and twirling
Soaring like a bird in flight
On this cold winter night
When the midnight sky
Is covered in rich, velvety black
And each star twinkles up above
While the silent world is sleeping
And children are dreaming
On this cold winter night

Another Random Poem!! :) ~~~~<3
I Hope You Enjoy It!!! :) ~~~~<3
A wooded valley, cradled between the arms of
the earth, nestled in a bowl of stone and soil.
A breeze comes down from the silent heights,
sets the leaves all to sighing, last voices in their
dying, as they fluttering fall, a rain of fire, in that
cold and sleeping wood, beneath those grey and
clouded skies, in that time of winter.

The birds have flown, long time past, sensing the
advent of winter, fleeing before the storm. No
sound mars the stillness, in that sleeping silent wood,
no sound but the quiet gentle knocking of the limbs all
together, in the sway of the whistling wind. The sun shines
in pale radiance, in that bleak time of winter.

The clouds gather, grey they merge and so release their
weight of frost, down upon the sleeping land, waiting in repose.
Snow falls to weight the limbs, and bow the branches,
down towards the earth, carpeting all in a sheen of
silent white. Ice hangs down from the rocky ledges,
and from the weighty bows, shining in the pale light.
The streams have frozen, white paths through the
trackless waste, and ice covers the swift rivers over, locking
them in frozen silence, their singing laughter stilled at last.

Wind shrieks and hail comes falling, snow and ice together
descending, down from the maelstrom from which they sprung.
Blizzard roaring, blankets the wood in the arms of the earth, locking
it sure in the cold grip of winter. Now wind falls and hail abates, the
rain of snow slows and stops, and the trees rest from their knocking.
And all was still in that time of winter.
 Dec 2015 Steve Young
Sienna Luna
Chipper as a wood chopper
doused with kerosene lamp oil
at the start of the chilly winter
all bundled up in a fantasy getaway
deep in the wooded forrest lies my pride all cozy-like.
 Dec 2015 Steve Young
Isha Kumar
The lone wolf howls
in the dark night,
casting it's shadow
over the pale moonlight.

On the river banks,
his prey, he silently stalks.
Lurking by the trees,
he, so quietly, walks.

The innocent deer
became unknowingly a prey.
Targeted by the wolf,
who lives astray.

Ready to strike,
upon the deer her pounced.
Letting out a growl,
"Beware" he announced.

Alas, he missed
his only chance.
The deer ran away
in a single glance.

The lone wolf whined
on his unlucky loss,
staring at the footprints
on the soft moss.

He retreated back
to his hiding place.
"Rest," he thought,
"Rest for another chase"
A howl is heard
in the dead of night
a shadow seen
on the hill
between the trees
a pair of golden eyes
strikes fear into the hearts
of those who trespass
in his territory.
this beast is
the beautiful wolf
This is my first poem here.
Some nights I stay up,
Watching my shadows.
Sometimes I get up,
And lay down in the meadow.
Some nights I leave my body,
And wonder out alone.
Some nights I go to sleep,
Forming in my head a new home.
☉The sun falls in November☉
☊ And won't rise until February ☊
It's a sick feeling
◉ Total darkness ◉
⍤The pines whisper their worries⍤
☾ Aligned with the moon's shine ☽
Hungry winter bears
❄ And snow-white hares ❄
◗ Try to escape the night ◖
Being out in
⚇ The Last Frontier ⚇
《 All you hear is your breath 》
It's a quite sound
⌭ Snow-creak ⌭
You're left me out here in the cold
☆ But I decided to put my hopes on the stars ☆
There’s so many
So many that are bright
★ I think the dark ones are my favorite ★
*Your soul is a crystal sky

✧ *Lit from the North

Dancing to a shifting melody
☪ Only broken out at midnight ☪
Changing your colors
To fit your light between my dark stars
∬ Wavering ∬
§ Fluctuating §

⊝ Undetected by most ⊝
␥ But those special few watch from the water ␥
⎊ They’re alone like me ⎊
Soon your shows slows
↡ And you fall asleep with the dawn ↡
⚰ Frozen tongues can’t taste your remains ⚰
∈ Nor can they converse with themselves ∋
My heart was left out in the cold
And it learned to love Alaska
⚖ Solitude and freedom go hand-in-hand ⚖
I'm not afraid of commitments
**⚮ But I'm terrified that my heart won't have what it desires. ⚮
Part one of the Cold Gates.

I was left out to freeze, and I learned to survive the harsh wilderness.

© Copywrite Lycan
Darkness, Darkness,
Do I feel alone?
The thought of you in my mind,
Forget the hands around my throat,
Choking me,
Without a sound.
I am shutting down..
From the lack of oxygen.
My vision blurs,
My hearing goes out,
My feeling starts to numb,
My lungs collapse,
And I stop breathing.
Shadows surround me.
Darkness, Darkness,
Do I feel alone?
I am suffocating,
Hands around my throat,
Choking me,
The thought of you still in my mind,
Pain fades,
I wandered blindly,
I stumbled and fell,
Then I realized,
That I didn’t catch myself.
That the hands,
Around my throat,
Choking me,
Suffocating me,
Killing me,
Were my own.
Darkness, Darkness,
I feel alone.
Hands around my throat,
So I let go,
Forgetting you for just a moment,
And Finally,
         I Began To
A very old poem from 2013.

© Copywrited
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