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Wolf Jan 2019
A day can drag on for a year
While a year can fly by in a day
Time itself
Is quite the anomaly
Wolf Jan 2019
Back to the world
I still refuse to awaken in

Back to the world
That reminds me of a corpse

Back to the world
Which stole my warmth and praise

Back to the world
Where my safeties cease to exist

Back to the world
That hurts me so

Back to the world
And those burning eyes
Hello world, I'm back.
Wolf Jan 2019
Tears shed by my eyes
Capture sorrow and hopelessness
In a wailing sob

Tears shed by the sky
Pour from the heavens to nourish
All who live below

Why can't I
Cry like the sky?

Leaving not a salty burn
But the scent of petrichor
Wolf Dec 2018
Please let me stay
Right here
Where the faces
Are not shadows
But instead
Filled with light

Leave me be
To observe a memory
Or indulge in a thought
So my joy
Will forever
Thrive within

The pain has vanished
The fear finally fled
So why must it be
Sent back to me?
Wolf Dec 2018
A wanderer approaches you
His eyes are those who've seen the world
For this man, what would you do?
Turn your cheek and fear his act
Or greet him, ease what he's been through
He'd smile back, old and worn
Like painted art that's lost its hue
"Release hearts still confined, forget not your own."
His advice a mountain, solid and true
Every day you'd meet those eyes, growing ever-so softer
The wandering soul has advice for you
Wolf Dec 2018
How is it
That mere words
Create sounds
In our heads?
If you focus
Lend your ears
You can listen
To silent words
That truly resound
All around you
Snap crackle pop, this poem looks like a guitar.
Wolf Dec 2018
Teen problems, they're ****
Everyone has been through them
Can't wait to laugh now
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