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 Nov 2017 Wick
Ancient relict
 Nov 2017 Wick
Deep below the surface,
of a sea stormy and frenetic;
lies buried an ancient relict,
once radiant but now pathetic.
It is a long ago sunken ship
the mast and canvas rotten.
The stern revealing injuries,
that are not yet forgotten.
It once carried adventurers,
looking for brand new land;
But now it's decrepit and cursed,
never to reach a strand.
But if you would look closer,
to the shattered and mouldered deck,
you would see the dissembled treasure,
that waits to be found within every wreck.
No matter how broken we are, we all have a treasure within us that just waits to be found. So keep on looking for it within others!
 Nov 2017 Wick
and then I asked you,
"What's your biggest fear?"

you gave me a quivering sigh,
looked at me straight in the eyes
and said,

"It's that eventually, you will see me
the way I see myself."
It was in a small town where I first felt love.
It was in our small town from nowhere where I first saw that smile;
that smile that could light up a room, or the whole world, even.
It was in that small town where we made a promise,
a promise that we'll both come back,
a promise we both failed to keep.
You see, darling, it was in that town where I had my very first heartbreak.
It was that town which saw my worst fears realized become a reality.
I was in that town when I received the news:
that you're never coming back.
In this town, I knew love but lost it too soon.
Yet this town will soon welcome a hero of the war, in a coffin enveloped by the country's emblem.
This town will welcome a son and shall soon engrave his legacy on a stone.
But I know I can't stay in this town for long, not when the signs speak of your name, not when the streets sing of your footsteps.
Darling, this town is not ours no more.
This old town speaks too much of our tragedy, of a love forever lost.
It is this town that symbolizes what we both had and what we'll never have.
And now I'm leaving this town to forget, to keep my sanity.
But as I leave this town, please know that I'm never leaving your memory.
**For it is one thing to forget this town, but quite another to forget my world: you.
 Nov 2017 Wick
 Nov 2017 Wick
I thought you were gone
I thought you had finally left me
But now I see you,
Lurking, waiting, creeping in the shadows
You’re fantasizing, dreaming,
Of taking control of me again
I see your darkness
It’s seeping in through the edges of my mind
Your anticipation is unbearable
You’re looking forward to suffocating me again
To taking my hope away, and replace it with darkness
You engulf me in the blackness of despair
You choke me with morbid thoughts
Happiness doesn’t exist anymore
I only see a bleak future ahead
I hope someone notices
I hope they notice how sad I look
But no one ever does
They don’t see that my smile is fake
That my laugh is just a sick pretense
They don’t see the pain in my eyes
Now I know
You have made me your prisoner
Once again
If you didn't figure it out, this poem is about depression. I wanted to write it without directly saying what it was about.
 Nov 2017 Wick
I still hoped that we could be friends
But I guess I was the end
To anything more
And everything before
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