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3.8k · Jul 2015
Witchy Witch
Vlarken Hvyrmtor Jul 2015
Witchy witch your
hair swirls about like
an ash-filled firestorm

Lips of razored glass
cut my throat and my
cry of pleasure is a
coughing bloodspray

Witchy witch I thought
I'll take you naked in boiling

wet hair skeining over
******* shadowcupped like
two ripe halfmoons

I knew your hair was red
down there too

and in you I'm burning until my
skinnerves are eaten
and I can feel naught but

in you I take your hair like
Fenrir's fireleash
and pull me deeper into your

Witchy witch I thought
your throaty cries meant
I'd tamed you I thought

I am dead because you are
and with you

Witchy witch
come back sometime
with wings
of heady night

I wait for you
1.1k · Jul 2015
Night's Words
Vlarken Hvyrmtor Jul 2015
The moon hangs above me

A pupil behind a milky cataract

He knows night's words

When he tells me them my
eyes roll to whites

My succubus drapes herself
over me

Her snakehair is such a mess

They tell me love's words while
biting at her *******

That woman is there in the
window again
black backlit cutout

by yellow light so nicely framed

She dances without moving

I throw a rock at her window,
and she stays motionless

I flee terrified

The winter forest draws snug
its blanket
snow unspoiled by track or trail

My breath is smoke on the air

The wastelands burn about me
bergs of ***** bone

They tell me of secret grottos
in cool underground
wherein water
onto tombstones forever muted

My longing lips crack and bleed
My sunblind eyes drift skyward

I scream for the vulture
my friend
to fly me down there
767 · Jul 2015
Vlarken Hvyrmtor Jul 2015
All is same, sudden, and fast

Life is taken

I don't want something that can be taken

Love is life
*** is life

Life is irresistible because it's not death

Death is always
Death is unchanging

A blanket soaked in chloroform that you may
wrap about your body to suffocate in stale comfort

Throw it off to ****
Throw it off to lose yourself in burning
clarity in the flesh of another

But that can be taken
724 · Jul 2015
Vlarken Hvyrmtor Jul 2015
Blooming seeds you had on
your tongue when I kissed you
on the streetcorner in blaring

I wanted to taste them,

and later recalled how thin you felt
your ******* against my chest
subtle enough

but I pulled back

The lightpond where I sat
that's the place where
shimmerish fish float the
smoky air

You caught one and
got drunk on its blood

That ***** look I'd never
seen you wear as you took
my lips in yours

and when your bloodrough
tongue touched mine the
seeds were grown


I whispered into your mouth
as you bit off my lip

Thereafter in your starry
room you took your knife
and I mine

"Ich bin allein
Bereust du?
Wirst du?"

Our hearts in our hands
spat their deathred mess
and soaked the sheets

Drunk on each other
with lips cherryred
to you I whispered
and to me you,

*"Dû bist mîn
Ih bin dîn"
704 · Jul 2015
Vlarken Hvyrmtor Jul 2015
Underneath a willowtree
twists your summerbeard
with your winterbeard

You think your greenthoughts
of gnarl, leg, branch, and twig
of foretime kisses under moonlight
of nowtime creakings under foglight

You grasp with groaning fingers
after a moth in flight
and catching him
lick the dust from his wings

You crunch with rotten legs
through leaves in swirl
and crushing them
soak sunlight from their blood

Underneath your willowtree
your bark whitens
and in breathing out
638 · Jul 2015
Cast No Shadow
Vlarken Hvyrmtor Jul 2015
I saw him there under the
treeroots lurking

It was dark thereunder, but he
beckoned darker

                             Still your rotting mouth
                             Shut your eldritch eyes,
                             or everywhere you'll see him

I saw him by night in
my window screaming

He had his owlface on
with eyes like
nectar-filled lamps

                            Turn away your brittle body
                            Draw the covers to your chin
                            and bear the beak in mind

I saw him on Sunday
in the churchyard digging

He laid the bones of my Father
in the wet wormsoil
for marrow cracked and clean

                            Stand still your writhen legs
                            You cast a shadow over him,
                            and he reaches up towards it

I saw him on the strand
in my lover's face seething

He took my lips in his
and breathed into me
her still beating embers

I walked the path back alone,
full of ash

I went to my knees at the altar
and tried to *****

I saw him in the steepled tower
by me standing

He opened his mouth
and whispered the words
I craved to hear

I stood over their graves
and cast no shadow
616 · Jul 2015
Vlarken Hvyrmtor Jul 2015
Drawn up in fogskirts
blind eye belights treecrowns
silvered needles wherethrough
motes and embers dance like ice and blood
527 · Jun 2016
You are a sphere for me
Vlarken Hvyrmtor Jun 2016
Surround me in circles
venusian halos
You are a sphere for me
take in
take out

while I, buried breath
cower like a dead spider
in a coffin far too large
440 · Jul 2015
The Heart of It
Vlarken Hvyrmtor Jul 2015
I am a babe
suckling milk
from the breast

It is bland
It is benign

With each new experience
it becomes less so
it grows a taste

It is bitter
It is sweet

I grow my teeth and
begin to eat the
meat of it

It is so rich that I ***** it back up

There is none left

I eat the *****
until my body
accustoms itself

I grow strong on it

It twists in my gut:
a white Worm with its
tail in its jaws

My teeth and fingernails
are yellow with it
My eyes and lips
are crusty with it too

I grow my mind and
begin to see the
heart of it

It is vibrant
It is alive

I fear to eat it

I sit at the table
set it with ****** cloth and
cannibalize myself

I realize I am eternal
go to bed weeping and
share me with myself:

My **** is potency
My **** is caprice
I love myself

We lie close and examine
the heart of it

It is grey
It is dead

I eat it without fear
404 · Jul 2015
Vlarken Hvyrmtor Jul 2015
in meinem Körper
rasend Funken sprühend
durch meines Gewebes jede Faser wie
Flammen durch ölgetauchte Straßen

356 · Jul 2015
Vlarken Hvyrmtor Jul 2015
There is glass all around
it is so clear that I cannot see
if it is there or not
It is so shifting that I can
push my hand against and
feel the outside through it
There is glass all around
It is so porous that I can
press my nose against and
smell her perfume through it
the echo of a scent
There is glass all around
It bends when I run at it
                            punch it
                       scream at it
vibrates in the aftershock as
I sit in a pool of spent rage and
watch her billowing beyond the glass
an aftersight echoing
322 · Jul 2015
Vlarken Hvyrmtor Jul 2015
My body is a taut wire
thrumming like insect-wings
shaking with encaged force

I would like you to sweep-pick
my skin's every nerve
in a heartbeat
This is just something I felt like writing when I was at a metal concert.  Sweep-picking is a guitar technique used primarily in metal music wherein "the guitarist plays single notes on consecutive strings with a 'sweeping' motion of the pick, while using the fretting hand to produce a specific series of notes that are fast and fluid in sound."  (That's how Wikipedia describes it, anyway)

— The End —