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If I stood in our doorway
   With the light against my back
          Would you answer me a question
              If I gathered the courage to ask?

If I whispered to these four blank walls
Of how Time scared me more than death
Would you laugh at me in pale moonlight
As I draw ragged breath

                                   "That stuff kills you!" They all say
But by then they've failed to listen
           The hands are broken, the clock tipped over
*But I still hear it ticking!
I want to fall in love
With a man who knows
How to calm trembling hands
And kiss shy eyes.
 Dec 2014 Tychicus Paulk
you were my spine,
now I can't sit up straight.
Please don't forget me, don't make me your past
I know time is fleeting, time is moving too fast...
Every second of everyday I'm a prisoner thinking about you
What could have been, what should have been, if only we knew...

Don't make me an old memory that you ignore everyday
Because time keeps on ticking and I might fade away...
I'm stuck in the past and you and me are turning to dust
I've lost all my freedom and we are beginning to rust...

So before we wither and before you lock me into your past
Please know that behind these bars, I have only one thing to ask...
Don't forget me, don't forget all the things in the past
Because I'm a prisoner of time and time is moving too fast...
 Dec 2014 Tychicus Paulk
As you plunder my heart,
A new beginning was born
amidst to the ***** of thorns
a forlorn whisper of my dark soul,
whimpers every night, trying to
find the piece and unite. I
tasted the sour devour
and it was the last bite, I assure
for you steal the light with fain
There's no more disdain

The grotesque past was
all gone, The sun rise
and I still got you by my side.
A sweven paradise began a new life.*

We all have our dark past, but
someone will come and submerge
us from darkness. It will bring light
and rebirth us to a new beginning :)

Happy thoughts~
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