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 Oct 2014 Tina Marie
How can you not hear my inner voices
and you're that clueless
that I'm already making a mess

Listen to the inaudible scream
look through the window
and find the glint

Lend me your ears,
hear my heart beat?
Hope this won't explode
as it goes to fast mode

My mouth is zipped
as I'm trying to keep
what is safely hidden inside
But the water's
overflowing in the glass
Here I am, trying to wait
for the next bus

But I need to grab the ink
and paste the unwanted feelings
For this is the only way
to grab a rope and not sink*


 Oct 2014 Tina Marie
 Oct 2014 Tina Marie
Please, help me hold this candle
Show me the light,
make my world shine,
like your beguiling eyes
Led me the way,
where the bright future awaits

Let's make the most of everyday
Time's running
and the flames are burning fast,
candle's melting
but it's possible to make things last

I never heard an angel's voice,
not until you jabber away
When I look into your eyes,
I can see no lies

Thank you for holding the light
everything feels so right
It was a fleeting moment
before you blew the flame
because it was all nothing,
but a foolish game*


 Oct 2014 Tina Marie
you are
 Oct 2014 Tina Marie
You are the sun that sets at the horizon
the mist covering me
the one saving me from illusions
war and love's fusion.

You are the fire in my eyes
my deep abyss
the one who stays with me all night
the one who will always be mine

You are the bottom of the sea
Inquisitive, tempting
Dark as can be
my infinity

You are the light in the dark
my companion
you've loved me from the start
you hold my hand when the soldiers march.

You are everything I wished to be
I see myself in you
I know today you're free
by the graves at midnight I shall wait for thee
Written for the love of my life,Leo Valdez from Heroes of Olympus.
 Oct 2014 Tina Marie
Bella Anima
I am a sadist
My mind is filled with
The most inhumane ways
To **** you
Because If I can't have you
I will have you
I am secretly a sadist.
 Oct 2014 Tina Marie
Dr Strange
I don't understand why the innocent must pay for the treacherous ways
Why they must be cut down like trees without ever getting a say
Constantly being picked at as if they are the turkey on thanksgiving day
The only difference is they don't get a silver tray
No,their trays are where ever they finally collapse from the pressure
Maybe they'd get lucky and fall in bed of roses
Like it would make difference anyways;
Still the carving knives would be feet that trample upon them,
And the forks would be fist that lay waste to their remains
Their tears would be flavor that was locked in their tender meat
As they curl up in ball trying to lessin the pain
The pain,the endless nightmare they deal with every single day
That is the toll they must pay
Waiting for their bodies to finally decay
Until then they are a mp3 stuck on replay
Living the same life over and over again
Some days the pain is actually worse;
The bleeding scare tissue never really goes away
It is just reopened wider everyday
At times it gets so bad they just lay
As they stare at the clouds that pass by
Smiling begging them to stay,
But no they always go away
That is when the blade comes into play
Finally they would close their eyes and began to pray
Look the other way and just say
"So the treacherous finally got their way¨
 Oct 2014 Tina Marie
 Oct 2014 Tina Marie
Silence is not keeping quiet
because you have nothing
to say...

Silence is having a lot
to say but no desire
to speak...
When I get to be a composer
I'm gonna write me some music about
Daybreak in Alabama
And I'm gonna put the purtiest songs in it
Rising out of the ground like a swamp mist
And falling out of heaven like soft dew.
I'm gonna put some tall tall trees in it
And the scent of pine needles
And the smell of red clay after rain
And long red necks
And poppy colored faces
And big brown arms
And the field daisy eyes
Of black and white black white black people
And I'm gonna put white hands
And black hands and brown and yellow hands
And red clay earth hands in it
Touching everybody with kind fingers
And touching each other natural as dew
In that dawn of music when I
Get to be a composer
And write about daybreak
In Alabama.
 Oct 2014 Tina Marie
 Oct 2014 Tina Marie
Just shine its beam,
Makes the invisible visible,
Give spaces their own soul,
A Space of its own magic,
A magic that is forever different.

So follow the light,
For the light is everywhere.
I fall
in love
with the way
his eyes become stars
that shine in the
dead of night
when he voices his passions.
Feeling the burn of his
soul radiate
off his skin.
Savoring his energy
like a freshly baked cookie.

I become infatuated
in the way he cannot
control his expression
when his smile consumes
his entire face, overpowering
the words exploding off
his lips.

I become engrossed
in the way he can be
unapologetically himself,
wearing imperfections like
a snug sweater
making the cold irrelevant.

I fall
in love
not with the temporary
beauty of him
but with the essence of the world  
that lives inside his shell.
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