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 Oct 2014 Tina Marie
people gathered round,
when gunshots fire in the air
it is new year's day
i normally dont do haikus but i felt somewhat inspired to try and do one. let me know what you think
 Oct 2014 Tina Marie
Sitting here writing some of my most inner thoughts and feelings
with the padlock closeby, I am scrawling in red ink in that I visualize as blood
my inner thoughts and understandings of life
while the clock ticks away the meaningless minutes I have wasted into writing about my days

I have wrote about my happiness and wrote about my saddness
the things that makes me cry and wish I would die
and the motives of why I even stay alive
I told about the day I tried blasting my brains out, but couldn't pull the trigger to try

I've told about the man I murdered
He'd shared with me everything and I couldn't bare him finding out who or what I was
Now his blood screams from the ground, crying out to me
and I take up alcoholism as a job, a worthwhile profession to comfort me

I have told about the pregnant ******* prom night
who was stuck, wasting away wishing she could party that night
who was thinking about self aborting her child, motherhood she dared to fight
until she felt her son kick and she sobbed, tears that she tried to fight

I have told about my first love
my first kiss and how I felt higher and more pure than a dove
i told about my grandmother and how she taught me that "god is love"
switching to blue ink now, because blue is for peace

I signed my name at the bottom of each page
saying that I have become stronger with each turn of the page
I no longer feel that I have to shove the whole canister of anti-depressants down my ribcage

I wrote with red ink scrawled in blood
that was full of agony,anger, and regret
Finished in blue because I found a happy place,peace, and acceptance
I lock the padlock onto it, in order to protect my secrets
and I stop the clock by taking out the batteries to remind me that my life isn't ruled by human time
and I smile as I look into the fireplace, at my book of secrets, finally erased.
another character-driven poem, not to be confused with a real person.. This is Alexa
 Oct 2014 Tina Marie
S. She was sweet making sure that i had everything that I needed
U. Ultimately the goal in mind had never really succeeded but this time was different
I. I had a special friend that
C. Cares about me in ways noone can.
I. I just want it to end, and my friend will help me, he kisses me on my cheek, and presses his face to my temple
D. Death is only a permenent sleep from the land of mortals.
E. Eternity I shall spend in comfort without morals.
 Oct 2014 Tina Marie
 Oct 2014 Tina Marie
It would be appropriate that
Our first date alone together
Would be at a Beatles outing.
Meow meow I'm an excited kitten <3
 Oct 2014 Tina Marie
Xan Abyss
They call me a raving lunatic
My mind is poor and sick

Manic vagabond, mystic sorcerer
Snake Oil Salesman, Son of Lucifer
Given wings of Raven feathers
Cursed to live in stormy weather
Chaos lives beneath the color of my painted teeth
I've a dark mind indeed, of morbid persuasion
Come sing along to your damnation
Ride the cannibal sensation
Devise a way to survive the game
Or you won't get out alive again

Alchemy infernal, elixir of dark might
Inhale the emerald Smoke of Jesterian Light
Given to us a seventh sight
Arise to conquer the lies this night
Our darkest night

A beast, a fiend, a wicked thing
I'm a regular madman
A creep, a dream, a demon seed
A regular madman

Follow me through the thick of the trees
Over roots and rocks and dying leaves
To a darker realm of mystery
Where everyone is a freak like me

A better place, you'll see
A better place indeed
An old song about.... (?) ..... I originally wrote for a project that never got used because that project  became instrumental instead.
 Oct 2014 Tina Marie
Xan Abyss
My pain turns to anger, my anger to hate
My hate becomes fire with which I create
Peace turns to passion, passion to joy
Joy into weakness through which I'm destroyed

Like a madman screaming at the wind
For crimes it could never commit
Staring at the void, I watch it ignite
The shadows drown in incendiary light

(And I am one)
One with the fire
One with the blaze
One, all and everything
I am one
One with the darkness
One with the pain
From these ashes I shall rise again!

I am fire!
You are fire!
Let us burn!
Bright together!

Into the eye of this storm of darkness
You and I, we all will fly
Into the void, into the unknown
Bound in union, fighting as one

And we are one
One with the fire
One with the blaze
One, all and everything
We are one
One with the darkness
One with the rain
And as one we will fight to remain!

I am fire
You are fire
Let us burn
Bright together

Our pain turns to anger, our anger to hate
The fire inside us we use to create
In darkness is beauty, in beauty is light
The light that will guide us through infernal night

And we are one
One with the fire
One with the blaze
One, all and everything
We are one
One with the darkness
One with the rain
And as one we will fight to remain!

I am fire!
You are fire!
Let us burn!
Bright together!

We are fire!
Raging higher!
Sing it now!
Louder than ever!
An old song I wrote about seeing the light instead of feeling the burn.
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