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Phia Sep 2016
Remember the nights we got drunk on moonlight
And shared secrets
But I sit here alone
With heart heavy as stone
And so many regrets.
Phia Sep 2016
Life is not about surviving,
It's about living.
Phia Sep 2016
Love yourself
And everything else will
Fall into place.
Phia Sep 2016
There are days when it will be hard,
Getting out of bed will seem impossible,
Breathing will seem like a battle,
You'll want to just curl up and die.
On those days, you must remember
How far you've come.
How much further you have to go,
And all of the people that will love you
In between
Phia Sep 2016
I don't think I'm scared of letting people in,
I'm scared of my monsters escaping,
And for you to really see what transpires
In my mind.
Phia Sep 2016
The goal is to climb the mountain
Not carry it.
Life is a climb, with so much baggage and weight on my shoulders it seems near impossible sometimes
Phia Sep 2016
Life is a locked door,
but somebody stole my key
labeled "happiness".
They say happiness is the key to life, but I can't find my key.
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