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 Mar 2016 Sub Rosa
Blue, and sitting.
The harmonica sounds
like my mother.
I need my guitar
to get me out of here.
The world is strange.
I'm afraid.
The harmonica sounds
like my mother
crying because she's telling
the truth,
that she's afraid.
That the world is strange.
That only my guitar
can get me out of here.
inspired by The Old Guitarist, Picasso
 Mar 2016 Sub Rosa
 Mar 2016 Sub Rosa
The dawn breaks because the world turns.
I see that the Sun exists.
Which it also did yesterday.
Sarah; moving on
 Mar 2016 Sub Rosa
You were once enchanted by
the atmosphere we created.

Like emerging from childhood,
the world filling in. Frame by frame.
Into something more miraculous
than you thought possible.

So we laughed at a brittle winter.
The sharp tree branches not to be feared
but to be loved for their nakedness.
Last Winter.
 Mar 2016 Sub Rosa
So potent was the resemblance,
so rich the imitation,
of meadows of wandering green,
with some red (tulips)
breaking through.

But careful not to chip the paint.
You drunkenly mistook the vivid
for the real. It was not real.
Here is the origin
of your sadness.
 Mar 2016 Sub Rosa
With night sky
there is usually
a moon there.
But not always.
A pale surface
beaten into—
An expression,
as if saying,
"I am tired.
I have seen too much."
At night,
I see planets and stars
*Creation in motion
 Mar 2016 Sub Rosa
Dylan Thomas
The hand that signed the paper felled a city;
Five sovereign fingers taxed the breath,
Doubled the globe of dead and halved a country;
These five kings did a king to death.

The mighty hand leads to a sloping shoulder,
The finger joints are cramped with chalk;
A goose's quill has put an end to ******
That put an end to talk.

The hand that signed the treaty bred a fever,
And famine grew, and locusts came;
Great is the hand the holds dominion over
Man by a scribbled name.

The five kings count the dead but do not soften
The crusted wound nor pat the brow;
A hand rules pity as a hand rules heaven;
Hands have no tears to flow.
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