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 Mar 2016 Sub Rosa
Kiss me like
It will be the last time
you'll ever see me
and make sure
that even when our lips
I can still feel
your heart racing.

Press your body
against mine
and whisper
those deep secrets of yours
soft and slow
and maybe tonight
we'll be a bit warmer.
 Mar 2016 Sub Rosa
 Mar 2016 Sub Rosa
It's unsettling.
The shape and form and texture.
The way that you have manifested yourself.
From a light lilac sky
To a deep purple abyss.
It's still purple,
 Mar 2016 Sub Rosa
I'd love to curl up with you tonight.
Feel you next to me.
Learn the pattern of your breaths.
I'd love to cuddle up in a blanket and watch
the sun dip lazily behind the mountains,
the golden rays reflecting your soul,
the breeze playing with your hair.
I want you to tell me the meaning behind each tattoo
and talk late into the night about life's important things.
I want to fall back, and look at the stars,
and as I look over at you, wonder how you're not up there with them.
Fingers interlocked,
souls dancing under receding moonlight.
Your presence, reflecting the world.
I'll have to dream of you instead,
 Mar 2016 Sub Rosa
 Mar 2016 Sub Rosa
I still think about
   the night you stole all those kisses
                  from me.
                Well, darling, I'm here to tell you
                                     that I've come to steal them back.
 Mar 2016 Sub Rosa
I want to tip that book you've been reading away from your face,
                       remove your glasses,
                                      and give you a story all your own.

Lose yourself in the poetry of our lips
and the fluttered prose of our breaths.
 Mar 2016 Sub Rosa
The way the light hit her face from across the small amount of distance between us was almost heavenly.
Not because of the way the light reflected off of her, but because of what her face reflected-
absolute beauty.
It radiated off of her and made me wish that although we could see each others faces,
the distance between us was not divided by two screens.
It made me feel as though this room was a prison
and the picture that I saw was my window to daylight.
Her face makes me fall more in love with the world.
And every starry night I see,
every flower I smell,
and every summer breeze I feel
can never compare to her.
 Mar 2016 Sub Rosa
 Mar 2016 Sub Rosa
Every time
I try to write her a
it falls short
in comparison
to what she has
already said
 Mar 2016 Sub Rosa
I sit by the lake,
                                 on the lush green grass,
gently try to break
                                  my inner thoughts,
and silently assimilate
                                 chirping of birds,
rhythmic swaying of trees
                                 by the sweet breeze,
stare at the white cotton clouds
                                 spread on the chimerical blue
and try to soak the pure dew
                    till the morning remains new.
I love the morning sunshine in a pure blue sky after rains :) :)
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