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 Mar 2016 Tardigrade
Kes Long
There is always a tight feeling in my chest,

The moment we have to say good bye till we see each other again,

It hurts so much loving you and having to bear days/weeks without seeing you.

You have brought endless sunshine into my life and have colored it with your beautiful pallet of love.

You have shown me a depth of warmth and concern so genuine, so ethereal, that it can only come from you;

My angel;

My love;

My life;

My all.

I love you and I want to be with you every single day of my life.

One lifetime is too short; several lifetimes are too fast; forever seems not enough.

Being next to you I have found my heaven on earth.

I see the good seeds I have sowed in this life seem to have beared fruit through your eyes.

Your voice is like a beautiful symphony to my ears.

Through your being, my purpose on this earth is clear;


I love you so much, Thirak.

ผมรักคุณมากกว่าอะไรทั้งหมด Nattida Liyeekay
I wished upon the stars for someone like you
Someone who would ignite a flame in me that died many years ago
And it seems my wish came true

But with every wish comes a price

The price I paid was to watch you have your flame ignited by someone else.

Someone, that would never be me.

*~ Blake Hinamori
I wear a mask to run this charade
To make it seem like I have not yet decayed
Under all my own thoughts and all my self-hatred
Under the harsh image that I have created

I make it seem like I don’t have a care
My true thoughts muted by this mask that I wear
It may seem like I have it all held together
But darling, let me tell you
I am a nightmare
 Mar 2016 Tardigrade
 Mar 2016 Tardigrade
"What do you wanna do?"*
I just want to sit with
in bath robes,
as we drink wine,
talk about life
and draw ugly
portraits of
each other.
 Mar 2016 Tardigrade
In the dark we marked tattoos of
disintegrating constellations
on our rib cages,
our fingernails filled with ink.
We were told they would last
forever on 19 year old skin
when carved on the night where
each fallen brother of Sun kissed
our mid-August goosebumps.

The weight of our bodies
cut into the grass.
We came back the next evening to
watch these human Grand Canyons
sink deeper to Earth's liquid center
underneath flashlight flickers of an
approaching thunderstorm,
each bolt echoing on the hearts
of Lake Michigan fish.
The trees fell inside our craters
as we walked backward to my car,
fearing for our lives, but
immobile from each reaching meteor.

Perseus fell through Earth's granite throat,
parabolic melting of night sky.
Collapsed Big Dipper and Ursa Major
illuminated our chests
over shadow of dying white pine.
Written about observing the Perseid Meteor Shower in August of 2015. Truly a spectacle that everyone should witness in their lifetime.
 Mar 2016 Tardigrade
If yelling at her in an argument doesn't make your throat burn like you just downed 6 shots,
you don't love her.
If her eyes can't make you stop in your tracks and think about what you're about to say next,
you're not in love with her.
If her laugh doesn't make you tense up your knuckles thinking about never hearing it again,
you're not in love with her.
If her voice can't calm you're worst anxiety attacks and makes you want to listen to anything she has to say,
you're not in love with her.
If her smile doesn't make you're chest quake and your lungs shrink but feel refreshed all in one motion,
you're not in love with her.
If her taking off her clothes is when you pay the most attention to her, you're not in love with her.
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