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  Oct 2020 solEmn oaSis
But it doesn’t need
A purpose to read
The natural structure
Is the mystery

A stanza where two minds melt
Certainly words of comfort and wealth

These thing only matter to us
Catch and ride the purposeful bus
Themes and memes of rolling streams
Sleepwalking the poetical dream

If I could only keep up with the train!
Traveler Tim
  Oct 2020 solEmn oaSis
I've seen a many things
like the pain a tortured spirit brings
a man standing in the rain
when seeking shelter is in vain

I've felt so many pains
like beating of a heart abstains
such a cold feeling stings
when the clock's pendulum swings

I've seen a many things
like a life that barely clings
there is no reason to remain
when seeking shelter is in vain
  Oct 2020 solEmn oaSis
my life is like a stopwatch
just tallying up the time
i choose the downward spiral
over that vertical climb

i tried to go the mile
to keep up with my kind
i lasted just a while
then i fell behind

when my descent is final
who knows what i might find
maybe the top is topnotch
but the bottom is all mine
solEmn oaSis Oct 2020
my life , my clothes
my love , my breads
my love life , my everyday living !

my all children , my life
my purpose , my love
my all purpose , my shortage

my everyday living , my challenges
my shortage , my strength
my clothes and my breads , my poems and my stories !

on the spot decision of mine weakens my strength to face my challenges
but there was this spot that i do not own
perhaps i could possess and make my children live their lives worthwhile !
i won my son and daughter !
they can now own their spots in my sufferings yet grow old in their respective successful career !
  Oct 2020 solEmn oaSis
If words were music
all the ones inside my head
would still be chaos
locked up somewhere inside this ******* mind, some sleeping, some screaming, some hopeless, some flapping their wings; oh how lovely it feels to be a prison.
  Oct 2020 solEmn oaSis
A chaste & lovely maiden
Loved a roughhewn sort of man
It was a strange attraction
The folk could never understand
But she lived in a great tower
In a foreign land.

The lad traversed the valleys
The tangled briars low
Great and craggy mountains
Replete with ice and snow
He knew that he must find her
But did not know where to go.

He questioned people far & wide
Of how to find the lass
Finally an old woman
Told him true at last
But guardians of gargoyles
Would let no one pass!

They would ask a riddle
That he would have to tell
What was found in plenty
At the bottom of a well
If he couldn't answer
They'd take him straight to hell!

The rough young man, he pondered
Yes, he was perplexed
He had no ready answer
Didn't know what to do next
He did not know the answer
And he was so sore vexed!

But a gentle voice he told him
Just like a tender kiss
What resides within a well
Is always a great wish.

So the lad, he faced his foe
So bold in his youth
His answer confounded them
Because it was the TRUTH.

He found the modest maiden
Straight away they wed
They had been kept apart
But had higher love instead!

The moral of this fable
Is the greatest wish in you


Catherine Jarvis
October 23, 2020
The fable is one of my favorites!
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