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See the emblem waving
Proudly, touted in the sky.
We walk among our brethren.
We recourse, resource the reason why.

All, in trepidation...
We cry out for separation.
Could it be our own downfall,
Equality, but not for all -

But, not for all?

Citizens of the nation,
Before humanitarians,
First comes clicks of locking doors.
Equality does not endure.

A man of any land should be my brother.
The whole earth, to us, our mother.
Could it be our own downfall,
Equality, but not for all -

But, not for all?

See the burden being carried
High upon laden backs,
Tautly stretched, with shoulders bending.
Each fear the other will attack.

The words have been the same,
But for intent that's not their own.
For too long, have we been believed.
Equality is just for some -

Is just for some.

Freedom is only for the free.
The lines that keep the captives buckling,
The doors that keep them let them go.
They have no where to escape.

Always there is tyranny
For the landless refugee.
He is no man as worthy as you.
Equality is just for some -

Is just for some.

All the lessons that teach us to love
The home of brave and free
Are based on notions that could not be true,
If all are not the same as you.

And, are they not the same as we,
Who are decorating for our holidays.
Living in our plentitude,
Singing songs of charity and caring -

Charity and Caring?

Gifts are given and received.
Do we remember the lessons taught
About the kind of men we are,
When another is in need?

Do they not rate the same concern
As the presents and the tree,
As we pray in  Holy Spirit,
Singing songs of charity and caring -

Charity and caring?

See the emblem waving
Proudly, touted in the sky.
We walk among our brethren.
We recourse, resource the reason why.

All, in trepidation...
We cry out for separation.
Could it be our own downfall,
Equality, but not for all -

But, not for all?
This may not make a lot of people happy, but what I have been seeing a lot of on social media is beyond me. We have been better humans that we have been, before.
I don't think I've ever wished a poem I write make the top of the heap as much as this one. I think it is the most important piece I've ever written.
 Nov 2015 Swords and Roses
 Nov 2015 Swords and Roses
there's a lot of things that don't seem to make sense to me. but you?
*you make so much sense to me that I can't even see how it'd be wrong.
 Nov 2015 Swords and Roses
Did you  read the news someone blew up the stand where the boys and girls band play for the TV crew

They clamoured and shout get the **** out as tears run down their cheeks

And who is gonna prey to Jesus and who is gonna say don't cry today it'll all be okay but you and I know that's a lie

And in our hearts and minds
We watch as crazy people destroy, the ones we love and nobody can save on this day

Blood on the hands of the different man the death dealer of now, who hides behind faith and jokes in our face as we carry the dead to their grave

And so the song fades away
And so we go off and prey
And so we listen and say
Who we gonna trust, who will be the next
And the bombs just keep comming all day
 Nov 2015 Swords and Roses
She stood on the dock as the rain poured down
Waiting for the ship to come in
Eyes stinging from the rain
Her heart hurts with pain
As she clutches his photograph

Memories rush back into her mind
Of the day's they spent so close
And the gulls in the air
Scream a loud cold cry
And the cold bites the back of her neck
As her heart still bears the scars

As the ship now docks in a solemn mood
Grey as the sky above
All move to see the love so happy
And she grips the picture to her wet chest

Wounded and proud the men start to leave
The bowels of the great ship that mothered them
Wiping her eyes she stares in suprise as a soldier approaches her
Moments go by she falls and preys
As his body is brought on by

Gripping out now to the air full of hate
The rain beats heavy on her
Silence now greets as the world stops at her feet
And lonelinesses kisses her cheek
 Nov 2015 Swords and Roses
Going to give up again huh?
Like the last time
And the time before that
And the time before that
I'm numbing up to you
I should be warming up to you
Not numbing
But you've pushed me
Like the many times you have before
But you've metaphorically pushed me
Off the ******* edge
And if I wasn't so ******* numb
Then the pain would simply be
So quit, lie, cheat, give up
I cannot afford to care
 Nov 2015 Swords and Roses
 Nov 2015 Swords and Roses
I seem okay
I trick myself into feeling okay
But when it's quiet
Or when I actually stop
Talking enough to listen to my mind
I'm not okay
I'm dealing, I'll make it
But I'm not just *okay
Why are things ****. Why why why. When will I feel safe and when will I feel okay okay. Wth is going on WTH. Like I keep getting hit with curveballs and I'm wondering when the bruises will be visible. I'm dealing though. I'm mostly happy. Things are just very very very very rough and bumpy and messy and are ******* with me
 Nov 2015 Swords and Roses
To be loved by one is a joy
To be loved by two is a delight
But to make the choice for your choosing
who you believe should have your heart
who you want to have your heart,
is terrifying
Sometimes having history with someone doesn't always mean you should choose them
 Nov 2015 Swords and Roses
Maybe I never have enough for me
Because I give all my affection, care, and empathy to others
Because I know what it feels like to never be good enough or love yourself, have self esteem and confidence
And that's why I can't support myself like I do others
But that's okay
I would rather help my group of people that make up the world before me
Isn't that what matters?
Now an oldie that I've been meaning to put up for quite some time
“I love you.”

You do not know
the idea of pills in
unknown bottles
Or the blade
waiting for the whisper
of crimson
The hopelessness and
abandonment of a God
your stomach can
no longer swallow

You do not know
the stale hours
of quiet sanctuary
I took within the
to grasp why my
thoughts always ran
to oblivion
when I was so close
to making Death

I have never
told you any of

a problem
is still a problem,
and you've always
told me,
“I'm a problem solver.”
but I know
this is one without
a solution.
(I'm proud of this)
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