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 Jul 2014 Sals
This Is It
 Jul 2014 Sals
I can't do it no more
World so cold
Everyone's watching
Well so am I
Not about you any more
But about my grave

This is it
My day has come to an end
Don't tell me
It's going to get better
Oh why has it always been bitter?

I have no one to love
I'm empty but
Full of death
So full of hate
So full of sorrow
I retire

It's not hard
I'll surrender to the ghostly body of death
Sadness has become me
You people tease me daily
And when I'm gone,
My spirit shall die with me
I take everything with me
Give space to the world.
Brighten the world slightly.
 Jul 2014 Sals
 Jul 2014 Sals
don't make me
don't make me pull the trigger
don't I don't want to please
I'm just
I'm scared
my hands are shaking
can't you see my han-
don't please don't move
don't make this hard
just stay still please
you're all insects tonight.
I heard a robbery down the road.
 Jul 2014 Sals
Carlie Richardson
I do not want to be 18 anymore,
Because all I do is buy cigarettes.
& when I smoke them I think of you.

I do not want to smoke Mary-Jane.
Because when I'm high,
I still only think of you.

I do not want to get drunk anymore,
Because I'm tired of hearing my friends say "She's gone,"
Every time I ask to speak to you.

I do not want to stay awake all night,
And leave cuts on my wrists,
"I'm sorry," I'd say, "I was just thinking of her."

I never asked for this,
I try not to think about you,
So all I can tell myself is, "You left her."
I've never regretted something so much in my life. I'm broken, sorry.
500 years alone
Born out of ashes
To die in flames
Body covered in gashes
From years of abuse
Times are not what they used to be
Out in they open
A rare sight to see
Clothed in red and gold
And framed in fire
An icon of hope
And ones hearts desire
A time for renewal
To be reborn
Time does things to one
Tired and worn
One last sad song
A nest of incense and sticks
Out of the fires cold burnt ashes
Revived is the Phoenix
 May 2014 Sals
Jono Holme
cry cry
 May 2014 Sals
Jono Holme
Cry cry
The weeping tree sighs
Branches hang low
As if given up
In the wind they blow              

Rotten on the surface
Life  left within            
fighting a losing battle
The Weeping tree cannot win
Cry cry the tree sighs
The rot has spread
All remaining life
Is left for dead
 Apr 2014 Sals
It all kind of hurts
Ok not kind of
it really hurts.
And it hurts more often than it doesn’t
But when it doesn’t
Oh, let me tell you about when it doesn’t hurt.
When I can feel the air I breathe
The languid drifting thoughts just before sleep
Those incredible moments when the only tears rolling down my cheeks are happy ones
When it doesn’t hurt, I see myself as limitless. Boundless.
I can be confident.
I feel beautiful, and loved.
The sweet world wraps its arms around me
And I am safe.
But it all kind of hurts
And that hug becomes a chokehold
And I feel ugly and ignored.
I am scared
When it hurts I am limited and trapped
And the tears turn into sobs
Making the thoughts of the night, terrors
 Apr 2014 Sals
A constant stream of justifiable lies. Contorts what I want from my life.
What used to seem impossible is now my reality
but I'm not so sure I want it anymore
because it is different
so different than what I thought it would be

Is it worth the games I'm forced to play in order to dream?

Today is hard but tomorrow will be worse because I will wake up to hate
reflected back at myself

There are so many things I should do. There are so many things I should want.
Do we not define our own success? Each to their own version of happiness?

But all I keep thinking is
I shouldn't be eating
Fear has been eating me up inside.
I'm a dancer who is  not sure she can stand another glance in the mirror.
 Apr 2014 Sals
Raphael Uzor

Why blame it all on God?
 Apr 2014 Sals
This Is Life
 Apr 2014 Sals
Walls collapse
Bridges crumble

Letters burn
Voices fade

Ringing stops
Bodies shiver

This is life
And death is her sister
 Mar 2014 Sals
Azimah Azmi
 Mar 2014 Sals
Azimah Azmi
I have nursed open wounds
Of people who carelessly
Ripped themselves open
To give away their hearts

Like a bandage
I soaked up all the blood
And only tasted their lonely
As I continued to provide care

But after a while
There is no need for me
Cuts will heal on their own
I know they always do

Always give love away freely,
"Practice love, until you remember that you are love."
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