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SomeOneElse Oct 2018
Rejected by a few more friends
Just thrown out like the trash
I'm falling and i see no end
Expecting a big crash
They used to all give me support
They used to to have my back
And now the facts they do contort
They stabbed me in the back
I am so sad and ******* mad
Why can't they let me be
I didn't do anything bad
Yet they've abandoned me
Bad enough that i was ghosted
And left without my group
Now I'm left to be composted
While trying to recoup
They used to like my company
They used to sing my praise
Now most of them won't talk to me
Alone in my malaise
I keep losing so many friend
Forgotten, lost in time
I really wish this **** would end
But ghosted one more time.
Written after my mental health support group ghosted me because i was sad.
SomeOneElse Oct 2018
Falling deeper through the abyss
Just cannot face the truth of this
I'm losing faith and any hope
And I don't know just how to cope
You told me that it all was fine
Yet haven't seen you in some time
You told me that we were still friends
But seems like it's come to an end
Your photo used to make me smile
But haven't seen you for a while
Our little chats would make my day
Though now I cry my days away
Can't reconcile what’s in my head
All of the things you did and said
I thought you were my special friend
A friend I'd have until the end
I did not care about your past
Just wanted our friendship to last
But somehow it all went wrong
And now i fear our friendship gone
I miss those times so very much
And how I'd love to stay in touch
I highly doubt it’s in the cards
Losing your friendship’s very hard
Still falling deeper through the void
So much pain i can't avoid
I think all day and wonder why
The friendship lost still makes me cry
Just another poem about being depressed and pushing friends away while feeling alone and rejected
SomeOneElse Oct 2018
My Head hurts, my throat is sore
And i can't take it anymore
All the darkness and the pain
Stirring up inside my brain
So confused and very low
Lost within the undertow
Wrote this after a night of crying hard for hours.
SomeOneElse Oct 2018
I'm Someone, no one
Somebody and nobody
I am SomeOneElse
How i feel or describe myself
SomeOneElse Oct 2018
Oh how i long to be desired
A feeling which we all require
Wish i could have that great physique
Makes women stop to take a peek
Or maybe have that *** appeal
Makes women give that lustful squeal
To be wanted in every way
And really be someone’s dream lay
To be somebody’s fantasy
Would leave me in such ecstasy
Instead i’m just an average guy
Just very nice and very shy
I do not have the perfect ***
Nothing anyone would applaud
I wish the women thought me hot
But in my heart i know I'm not
A *** symbol I'll never be
No one will have wet dreams of me
These feelings they are not required
But i still long to be desired.
Written as a wish to be desired and wanted in a way i havent felt in a lonv time
SomeOneElse Oct 2018
My head is a mess
Cluttered with random ideas
Wanting to come out
My first attemp at  senryu. Just a thought i had
SomeOneElse Oct 2018
I know you are mad And feeling betrayed
Might even be sad Or feeling afraid.
I have no excuse For what I have done
Your trust I did lose Wish could be undone
Mistakes i did make Regrets i have much
Now i lay awake For all my dumb stuff
You wrote me a poem And said things were fine
Now i feel alone Sitting here crying
I Patiently wait Its all i can do
Pray it's not too late Hope to hear from you
I've broken your trust And lost your faith to
Regain it i must I really miss you
I know you are mad You're feeling betrayed
Might even be sad And feeling afraid
There is no excuse For what I have done
The faith I did lose Wish could be undone
Written after a friend had ghosted me as a way to appologize.
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