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SomeOneElse Oct 2018
I know you are mad And feeling betrayed
Might even be sad Or feeling afraid.
I have no excuse For what I have done
Your trust I did lose Wish could be undone
Mistakes i did make Regrets i have much
Now i lay awake For all my dumb stuff
You wrote me a poem And said things were fine
Now i feel alone Sitting here crying
I Patiently wait Its all i can do
Pray it's not too late Hope to hear from you
I've broken your trust And lost your faith to
Regain it i must I really miss you
I know you are mad You're feeling betrayed
Might even be sad And feeling afraid
There is no excuse For what I have done
The faith I did lose Wish could be undone
Written after a friend had ghosted me as a way to appologize.
SomeOneElse Oct 2018
Everyday that passes by
Without a word
Just makes me cry
Wonder where it all went wrong
I messed up big
A friendship gone?
A friendship lost, i sure hope not
Each passing day
Some comfort sought
Miss, i do the daily chats
And Days without
I feel so flat
Can't clear head, it's just a mess
I must confess
Nervously I try to wait
For the next chat
I fear too late
shouldn't think these thoughts of mine
Just let it be
And give it time
But each day that passes by
Without a word
Still makes me cry
Written for a friend qhilw waitong tonhwar from her before I found out i was ghosted
SomeOneElse Oct 2018
Your heart and kindness know no bounds
A better friend could not be found
I was low, in a dark place
You put a smile back on my face
When i was sad and feeling vile
You found a way to make me smile
And now I'm rarely ever blue
And i owe it all to you
I'll never forget that special day
When we first met, my friend Ismae.
A poem written for a friend who helped me when i was very depressed.
SomeOneElse Oct 2018
I made a friend who helped me out
One day when i was blue
She made me laugh and made me smile
On days when i was  blue
She gave me hugs and soothing words
On days when I was blue
Her number she did give to me
For days when i when I was blue
The greatest friend I thought i had
For days when I was blue
We'd chat for hours with secrets shared
On days when I was blue
The time we shared and showed she cared
Some days when I was blue
Wrote me a poem said things were fine
One day when i was blue
The friendship meant so much to me
For days when i am blue
Now chats are rare, i fear her gone
These days when i am blue
I fear I lost my special friend
Most days now i am blue
I wish i could, mistakes undo
These days that i am blue
I miss my friend, will to the end
On days when i feel blue
Written for a friendship I lost
SomeOneElse Oct 2018
Was it easy was it hard
For our friendship to discard
Did you have to was it needed
When our friendship you conceded
Did you smile or did you cry
Ghosting me with no goodbye
Did you laugh or did it hurt
When you left with no alert
Do You wonder do you care
Leaving me beyond repair
Another poem written to help deal with being ghosted by a friend
SomeOneElse Oct 2018
Your beauty i cannot resist
As i lean in for a french kiss
Your so soft skin i do caress
As we both start to undress
I kiss your neck and behind your ears
Exploring your body from front to rear
I lay you down nice and slow
Kissing you from head to toe
I kiss your legs and inner thighs
This is where my heaven lies
I wrapped your legs around my face
And long to taste your sweet embrace
My hands caress your perfect ****
My mouth enjoys your tasty ****
I can hear you start to moan
As my tongue begins to roam
Loving every smell and taste
I take my time and never haste
With every kiss your body  shivers
And every lick just makes you quiver
My lips and tongue they are not done
Just because I've made you ***
I keep probing every nook and cranny
Moving down to lick your *****
My mind and body on cloud nine
While i rim your great behind
I can feel your knees go weak
As you hit your second peak
Now that you are wet and ready
I enter you slow and steady
Starting slow then speeding up
I kiss your ******* and lick them up
With every ****** our bodies kiss
Completely lost yet nothing missed
Our bodies joined we shake and tingle
And as we kiss our tongues do mingle
Now in such euphoric state
As we both *******
Both exhausted from the night
We start to spoon, i hold you tight
Kissing you till we pass out
Dreaming when we’ll next make out
Written as a fantasy
SomeOneElse Oct 2018
I'm in the dark, my sunshine gone
I lost my spark so what went wrong
Cant see the light and feel like dying
No end in sight i sit here crying
Can't find my smile or where it went
Searched for a while and now I'm spent
My mind’s messed up, I have no clue
And I ****** things up like i always do
Still crying inside , no end i can find
An emotional landslide all in my mind
So much pain and im still crying
What’s wrong with my brain
Just feel like dying
Written to express how my anxiety fuels my depression and for me what it is like to deal with both at times.
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