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 Apr 2016 Kyle
mike dm
little notes
 Apr 2016 Kyle
mike dm
let me yoke to you.
twist mine into yours.
***** me in at the hips.
lift me into your if's
and have me, present.

our torquing bodies
charging each other,
holding back the

bloom of darkness.

yes, it is true:
we are
closest to the dark.

but we are also
sown to the broadest urge
that wrote us.

this ebb is lit with written poems,
receding into the lightness of dense being.

jot me
into this

and i
exist in
your margins,

like nice little notes
that mean everything in the world.
 Mar 2016 Kyle
I am
 Mar 2016 Kyle
I am every word I've said
Each moment I have pondered
I am every year I've seen
Each question I have wondered

So maybe every single thought
Each person, every prayer
Is everything I am
As well as how I've gotten there
 Feb 2016 Kyle
Oh, you have... scars?*
Your words are drenched in disgust.
But don't let what you see deceive you,
you can't guess the stories I don't tell.
And you can't know if you don't ask.

You should know better than that by now;
my scars are not what you'd expect.
And neither am I.
For someone who thinks seeing me without clothes means seeing me naked and bare.
 Feb 2016 Kyle
Isha Kumar
 Feb 2016 Kyle
Isha Kumar
We stay up all night
to find words that rhyme.
We scribble. We write,
losing track of time.

We stare into space,
deep in thought.
From a child's fairy-tale
to the wars fought.

We can't stay still.
Our fingers, they itch.
With no path to follow,
in dreams we are rich.

We dance and fly
but crash to the floor.
We laugh and cry
with our emotions galore.

Smiling while judging,
we scribble. We write.
From petty love stories
to the furious fights.

Over incomplete lines,
we again lose sleep.
Muttering new words
as we silently weep.

We see the world
the way no one would.
We break the rules
the way no one could.

A new day begins
with all new themes.
"Which one to choose?"
Our minds scream.

We scribble. We write
with bees in our bonnets.
From epic ballads
to the melancholic sonnets.

With passion in our blood,
and a calloused hand,
we are poets.
Together we stand.
 Feb 2016 Kyle
 Feb 2016 Kyle
I will give you all my love
Every pint of blood
All the tracks in my veins
I’ll hold you like a prayer
My most holy of fears
This tremor in my bones
The knot in my mouth
All The insects in my gut
Take flight with the thought of you
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