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Oct 2020 · 92
Love, Trust, Respect
SiouxF Oct 2020
If you want love,
Love yourself
If you want trust,
Trust yourself
If you want respect,
Respect yourself
Oct 2020 · 87
Free Spirit
SiouxF Oct 2020
I release all that is no longer serving me
All that has been holding me back
From being the free spirit I am
So I can fly
So I can soar
So I can be me
And do what I’m here on Earth to do
Oct 2020 · 27
SiouxF Oct 2020
I trust you implicitly
I’m ready
Guide me
Show me the way
And remind me to breathe
Oct 2020 · 17
New Day
SiouxF Oct 2020
Wake up!
It’s a brand new day
A new beginning
A new start
A new possibility
To be who you want to be
To do what you want to do
To start living your life
To start achieving your dreams
On your terms
And of your choosing
And to live your life
With fullness, joy and abundance
Are you joining me?!
Oct 2020 · 111
It’s My Life
SiouxF Oct 2020
It’s my life
I choose how I live it
According to my values
And my gut
My Life
My choice
My consequences
It’s up to me now
And not you
Any more
That’s my freedom
Oct 2020 · 119
Thank You
SiouxF Oct 2020
All that’s needed
Is two little words of
Thoughtful appreciation
To show that you noticed
That I took the time to care.
So valued in their receiving
And so excruciatingly lacking  
In their absence

Or is that just me?
Oct 2020 · 67
I Might As Well Be Dead
SiouxF Oct 2020
I did what you did
I said what you said
I felt what you felt
I believed what you believed
I was what you thought I should be
I was so well hidden
I might as well been dead
Oct 2020 · 74
I’m Not Used To
SiouxF Oct 2020
I’m not used to being asked
For my opinion
My point of view
My thoughts
My feelings
What I want to do.
It’s not important.
I’m not important.
I don’t matter.
All my life
I’ve just been told
What to do
(Whatever you want to do)
What to say
(Whatever you say, or nothing at all)
What to believe
(Whatever you believe)

Always treading on eggshells
Holding my breath
Afraid to say the wrong thing
Do the wrong thing
Be the wrong thing
That would spark a spiteful retort
Piercing my heart
And dashing my dreams.
Acting always in fear of consequences
And never living at all
Oct 2020 · 154
Growing Awareness
SiouxF Oct 2020
Blindfold off
Scales removed
Awareness and
Growing realisations
Of what deep down I already knew
But too afraid to admit openly,
As too many hangover feelings
Of how it felt to be
A thing
An object,
Too many layers of others
Like a straitjacket
Confining me
Restricting me
Hiding me
From my true self
From my destiny
From my soul’s path
Oct 2020 · 108
SiouxF Oct 2020
Of my feelings
My passion
My joie de vie
Trampled and caged and abused for so long
Knowing it’s time
For the oyster shell to open up
And reveal the stunning pearl inside
Born from grit and uncomfortableness.
Knowing it’s time
To accept my fate
To embrace all that is and
Allow myself to experience
True passion
True connection
True love
Oct 2020 · 60
The Phoenix
SiouxF Oct 2020
Standing in her hard fought power and glory
Like a Phoenix risen from the ashes
Ready to take on the world
To protect those in need
And to stand firm
Against the cowardly oppressors
Of the truth
Oct 2020 · 102
Blinkers Off
SiouxF Oct 2020
Beliefs from him
Imprinted onto me
Manipulating and controlling me
Blinkering me from the truth
Leading me down rabbit holes of lies, confusion and brain fog
For years and years
Leading to defensiveness,
Denial of my true self
And my qualities and passions,
Keeping me playing small
All because he was afraid
Of my greatness
And my strength.
Blinkers off!
They weren’t my beliefs!
None of it was true!
They were lies!
Letting go
Of this distorted perception of self
To enter into a deeper understanding of who I am
What I stand for
And to embrace and
Love and
All of me
As I am
Oct 2020 · 95
Choose Love
SiouxF Oct 2020
It All Comes Down to Choice
Your choice
Your decision
Your right to choose
What and how you spend
Your life,
Base it on love
What feels right
What your gut says,
Not fear
Not your dementor
Not those negative naysayers
In your head
And all around you,
Oct 2020 · 89
SiouxF Oct 2020
I was afraid
Of my passion
And my desires
And my fire

I’ve been suppressed
Playing small
Until now

Now I am a Phoenix
Rising from the ashes

Standing in my power

And my power is magnificent
Sep 2020 · 367
SiouxF Sep 2020
Sep 2020 · 58
Listen I
SiouxF Sep 2020
When your mind is full of trouble and strife
Take a deep long breath and
Go inwards
Be patient
Be kind
To yourself
For your soul is desperately
Trying to get your attention
To help join the dots
To speak it’s truth
And bring you peace
Sep 2020 · 21
Soul Calling
SiouxF Sep 2020
When something comes up that I need to address
I don’t eat
I don’t drink
My stomach churns.
That is a sign to
Look inwards
Trust my gut
Ask questions
Write poetry
Know I’m safe
Trust the process
For my soul is wanting
To be heard
It wants to speak
And it’s the only way it can get
My attention
Sep 2020 · 39
SiouxF Sep 2020
Learning and
Understanding and
More confident
More assertive
More bad-***
Till you
Can stand
In your power
And no ******
Can come close
To you
Unless you say so
Sep 2020 · 39
SiouxF Sep 2020
Phone call
Out of the blue
Sister in law abroad
Screaming down phone
Reassuring her it’s all going to be ok.
Brother rushed to hospital
Cardiac arrest
In the sea
While training for channel swim
Dragged ashore on board
Laying on pebbles
Heart stopped
Doctor and two nurses
Pumping heart
Back to life
While curious onlookers watched
While eating their sandwiches
Amongst the steely determination
To bring life back
Thrashing arms
Made it too unsafe
For rescue by helicopter
So by road instead

Hospital emergency
Heart stopped
Brought back to life
Induced coma
To recover
High alert
Family worried sick

But for me
A knowing
He’s not ready to go
Nurses confused by my
Asking if I’m really ok.
Yes I’m ok
Because I know
It’s all going to be ok
My brother is not yet ready to give up

And sure enough
Defying all doctor’s expectations
Awakening early
From induced coma
Physically weak
Mentally strong as an ox
With no lasting damage
It’s a miracle they shout
When quite simply
He just wasn’t ready
It wasn’t his time
Sep 2020 · 81
The Tragedy
SiouxF Sep 2020
The tragedy is in repeating  
Those sins done unto you
Your parental sins
Your ancestral sins
Chained to your neck
Weighing you down
Blighting the lives of everything you touch.
But now
Your choice
Is whether to remain shackled
Bound to fear and repression
Or to break free
And step into
Your desires
Your potential
Your possibilities
Your love
Your divine glory
SiouxF Sep 2020
The secret is in the direction of your gaze
Are you looking up or down?
Forwards or back?
That is the choice for you.
The more rewarding
But not always so easy
Is to keep looking up
Above the golden sun ☀️
In all its bright brazen glory
And focus on the positivity
The fun
And the
Sep 2020 · 63
Just Do It
SiouxF Sep 2020
Just do it
Just because it feels good
Just because you want to
Just because your soul desires it
Just because
Sep 2020 · 50
SiouxF Sep 2020
What is true?
What is not?
Is that demon speak?
Ego speak?
Soul speak?
It’s all true.
It’s all not true.
So where does that leave me
Other than confused...
Sep 2020 · 32
SiouxF Sep 2020
Years of ersatz compliments
Absorbed and believed,
Positive compliments ignored
For not aligning with beliefs
Instilled from birth.

Awareness of ego‘s need for
Reassurance and
No matter how false
As long as feeding insatiable negative self belief.

Yet also curiosity
To know how one is seen.

Yet also a knowing that the body is yet a trifle,
Compliments meaningless
Just flattery and opinion and
Not to be believed.

What’s true? What’s not?
All tangled knots to trip you up.
Or perhaps there’s a ploy afoot
To stop
Unknown feelings arising
In fear of where they may lead.....
Sep 2020 · 79
The Actors in a Play
SiouxF Sep 2020
Here I am observing actors on stage
Playing out their roles
Their destinies
And knowing one actor
Is me,
Yet I’m the only one who hasn’t read the script
Or know where it leads
Playing blind
While all around
Others watch her every move
To see how she responds
To the twists and turns in the
Except at the same time there is no script
The future depends on the reaction
Of that actor in that moment
With all the responsibility and risk that carries
Sep 2020 · 165
Zoning Out
SiouxF Sep 2020
Zoning out
Reading a book
Watching iplayer
General chit chat with friends  
Taking mind off
Freeing up space
Allowing your soul to
And file away
So can come back afresh
With clearer clarity
And understanding
And readiness to advance
Step by step
To the next stage  
Of the journey
Sep 2020 · 64
SiouxF Sep 2020
Leads to one thing,
Doing Nothing.
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