The age of plastic
Melted into a mould
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Because everyone's a star
Did you see her new post???
It received more Likes than his
Shall we post something outrageous?
Grab everyone's attention
We could express our thoughts on things we know nothing about
Let's meet online
Create a total fake ID
I could choose my hobbies according to your preferences
I could tell you exactly what you'd like to hear
But remember I may not be found in this game
The real me will not be present
I could choose my height and weight
But when we meet in the flesh
I will not resemble the image
People envy me for the life I (don't) have
But yet I try to combat my battles
I try to pay my bills
And tomorrow we'll all suffer the consequences
of lives built on cheap thrills
Oh, and don't forget to BUY NOW
While love's on special
For one week only
sean achilleos
26 Nov. '24