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 Oct 2016 Sannie
Bhakti Lata
I want to dance until
my feet go sore
my anklets break free
and I faint on the floor.

I want to sing until
I lose all my senses
my lungs tear apart
and my larynx comes to
a screeching halt.

I want to laugh until
tears pour out my eyes
the darkness around me
gets dissolved in my
laughter's floodlights
and all the existing walls
shatter and break
by the sound of my guffaw.

I want to be like that
singing dancing laughing, mad woman
whom we like to stop and watch,
shake our heads in disapproval
and then secretly think –

'I wish I could be crazy like her!'
 Oct 2016 Sannie
She sits alone,
You try to approach but don't,
She talks to herself,
You want to talk to her but don't,
She wants to tell you something,
You want to hear her but you don't,
You ignore her, and she, she, she,
You wish you listened.
Don't you wish that you approached her? It's your fault.
 Sep 2016 Sannie
Lou Morgan
The long drive to my best friend’s hometown is a drive I’ve made countless times. I know every twist and turn down those vast country roads, I’ve seen these  side streets a hundred times.
The drive usually leaves me feeling excited, joyful, and anticipating seeing him.
Now I am left with heartache, fear, but I am still anticipating seeing him. I am dreading seeing him.
The only sound that surrounds us is our shoes hitting the cold stone as we walk towards the dreary building and the whisper of a sob across the parking lot.
Nothing will heal this, nothing will take away this dull ache that now resides within my heart. No amount of time will ever make it subside.
Send me 3 words and I will try to write a poem using them.
 Jun 2016 Sannie
phil roberts
If your eyes fill with tears
And the future seems blurred and distant
I'll be there to take your hand
You may not see me
But you'll feel me there
Right beside you
So hold on to me

                        By Phil Roberts
 Jun 2016 Sannie
 Jun 2016 Sannie
I* wear glasses to make me feel smarter.
I drive a nice car to make me feel like *I
have money.
I quit coffee to tell people that I quit coffee.
I drink tea to make me feel better about quitting coffee.
I post pictures on Instagram, because I like sharing cool pictures.
I am stubborn and I have strong opinions.
I keep those opinions to myself.
I like talking - but, I would rather listen to others.
I love making people laugh.
I don't take anything too seriously.
I believe everything happens for a reason, even if that reason isn't evident.
I am caring, compassionate and honest.
I like where my life is at - but, there is still a piece of the puzzle missing.
I like adventures.
I like myself.
I am who I am.
It's nice to to appreciate yourself, the things you have and the things you care about. What are some of your "I's"?
 May 2016 Sannie
 May 2016 Sannie
teardrops of providence,
intricately kissing the glass
with paint upon their lips.

grunts of a god,
bellows heard from below,
counting the seconds

the numen flashes,
if only for a second
to warn others
calculating the distance

neurons and skin,
reflections in water,
ponderous panting
and her mind is like a

'twas written whilst the rain poured onto the roof of my conservatory
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